c rreqonamrnbm byfiawn liersch f ob 1 -ijcatparamedicfareerrl- paramedicsand firefightere central dispatchsystem for the fiedmaryoaclfeonmaypriva although he tize ambulance service- insist- tizatipn cowx said download paul cooke a representative ing patient care will suffer if that- ing ambulance service to the for- york regions firefighters happens v regionscould result in dramatic said he wouldnt mind a region- privatization is one of jbve improvements to thequality of al ambulance system similar to options being considered by service region could end -torontos- or- an integrated york councillors- now jhat up being the new benchmark arid ambulance service ambulance service has been for ambulance service he said but if theres any kind of downloaded from the province we know sonie changes are marriage of fire and ambulance to the regions needed services we want it to bea but lome cowx a york york paramedics have been happy marriage we dont want county hospital paramedic requesting more money be sunk to dominate it he said adding warned handing the service mtome service for additional mtegratingthe services will take- v over to private companies could vehicles staff and training a long time because firefighters jeopardize patient care advanced life support train- will need more medical trairi- theyreresponsible to the jng would auow paramedics to ing stakeholders liwhat kind- of administer lifesaving medica currently firefighters assist service are they going to deliver jions start an intravenous line paramedics through avtiered- if theyre trying to riiake a prof- and insert abreathirig tube into response systenvand can pro- it he said paramedics are ter- ah airwayfto helppatients hav- vide cardio pulmonary resiisci- rifled of what they might do ing difficulty breathing all- tationahd sometimes defibril- profit shouldnt be made off things they arent allowed to do lationf- -j- i apersoris misfortune believe now we dont want their jobs any profitthats made should be meridith morrison manager paramedics are trained to do put into improving the service of the regions base hospital pro- their job and theyre respected the region has hired a con- gram agrees patient care is the theres no fear of us engulfing v suiting firm to investigate the bottom line for any new service them cooke said best way to provide ambulance she too wants all-para- he is also against priyatiza- services inyork a report is medics trained in advancedlife tion ot ambulance services expected in february j support as well as training fire- fearing profitmaking will be about 100 people turned out fighters to use defibrillators to ore important than providing for a public meeting hosted by improve the survival irate for- quality service walmart portsi muthorityj iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiimiiifiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiii pnrbmiero pticians buy one getdne or odff featuring alfred sung ysl polo if nicole miller gucciarmani pjusrriany other regular frames disposable contact lens 12pairs for 12000 4721 hwy t unit 3 east of kennedy next to iga 3058201 the golfer of f your christinas list iniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii markliam 1905471653 thornhill 905 73f4424 scarborough 905 2859717 holiday hours may vary plcaw contact store to aoid disappointment menhnndiie nuiybc relumed within 30 diy with original iaih receipt sorry no return on boxing day december 26 1998 k now open in markham littje readers its fun its creative it works children who jearn how to read early are more k confident learners small classes caring teachers individualized programs enriched reading math ait music french computers 36 y1ars old 4261 hwy 7 east between warden kennedy 9055138186 oxford students develop skills 0yfefi success in school and life aiip skills like reading writinc j comprehension spelling s organization planning wi motivation and critical thinking va better marks and increased confidence are the result gr 1 through high school reading wniing spelling moth study skillsrfrench homework support learning centres nofrillsts lonsos thebaytc v j xoyr us jriionville wledia mmmeats- v marknam p- v voice plastic surgery x- veriusin markham istsbftwfffifg home hardware siorth durham real este ccooxes only iiir ncxone can deliver results like we do jo book yourtlyerdistribution call marknam 905x2948244 stouffville 905 64021 00 ee5nmistsun uffiflk iiiiiiiihinilhiihihiiiiiiiiiiiiiihiihhhiiiiiiiiiihiiiihihiiiiihiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiifillllhillllllllilllllllllllllllilirilllllll pive everyone you love a mercedesbenz i this holiday season shop canadas newest- mercedesbenz ihowroom come to our spectacular y060 square foot boutique and choose from hundreds of genuine mercedes accessories and great giftitems its one sure way to make the holidays a whole lot happier for everyone on your list mercedesbenz r 8350 kennedy road markham conveniently located just north of highway 407 9053051088 v 3 h 1 i4