f i i tl i ii including markhamand local real ithe number four reven vhon- j estate agents v me ts mbreartsimple jsupevvlmow realty more stitinrv fnrmariv its awav nf mev can servemeifiarfcliehs and moreneodle are awareof this i crstaffwritert chinese irt of arranging mingflovresmoothly things like haps eight of loxhinese people are your livmgrwironrrientjto ma no trees blocking thecfrontjdoof concerned wtlf thefengshui of nature arid increasingly neighbourhoods s 1 agents even the community in more superstitious than others- in- fengsnurdonsulttsfoxcheckout general v anyculnire y- meirjhomesbefore they write the for- example the- tovvri of j cheque he added l markhafrfhas ihtrodiiced one- t v qnrirfnhfpntiii knvprc butnot allasians buy irftothe day feng shdiwdrkshsp m its recreation tcultitfe aepart- iimwwps ment where residentscan learn t0 fcheckoutthelr homs m fe shift ansbmemaytbe howthefiow of bositive enerev ili sut insultedif v6uassume they do in h v5 r 35 p f- 1l k v e vr vlast year hodge published guide fori sales to asians its thejthird edition new andword for four sounds fikedeath expanded and is used by agents somvpeopleactuauylrefuseto- throughout north k america- evenlook at a house startirie with- z seemproyino pagel the number four represents death to peopte who follow feng shui 1 3 staff photosjoerd witteveen building sues and locations -ferreda- iuiluirauancahnu luumiiuna rerreav c sworaiuce snapeia nouse on me theideal locationvofan high ground is betterthan low- sharp edgebrbladed edgebrings ventrancecanbe sickness poverty owners date and tine of birth butv especjauyto the northwest is good r proximityto or view of a ceme- generally speaking apartments symbolizing protection the tery is a bad omen v and housesfacing south are pre- bcfey should be slightly larger secret arrows sharp edges rthari the front yard this helps of roofs pojnting directly tqthe site vaccumulate wealth vj a rriirrorshaped like j square or rectangular- lots are an octagon mounted in a strategic tbest as are symmetrical buildings spot can ward off harmful chi i irregular shapes arevunbalaiiced a home witha street pointed and should be avoided directly it like at a tjunction for t streets example is unlucky likewise a v j kt homes driveway should not point v stfee andhighways act as rfghtat the front door r waterwaysr which channel chi daggerlike roads facing a b highvrays- canoyerrun a house lead to illfortune and death home with negative chi or suck it iji w 6ut me frontdoon v- v sv houses onc oneway streets the front dobrsriould be wide r t y v s 7 wealth v fame love prosperity v reputation marriage f j r i- s j t r j yi health v v center j jj earth si creativrry r family children 1 c c k v- j knowledge x -self- v career helpful people i h cultivation tj v travel 1 i a i v entrance i imiwkseirek5ti we wanted you to feel safe in a saturn so we started with thedavmerit lease 1999 saturn sw2 wagon jper month r ctun 4sof thornhilu saturn saab isuzu 7200 yonne street 905 7640764 m 1 steetesave 1999 saturn sl2 sedan taxes included or va roy fobs company 2 blocks north ofsteeles avenue on yongestreet in the toronto automobile center phone 9057640764 mail apartfiom being one of the safest compact vehicles on the road today the 1999 saturnscontiriue to begone of the best yaluesswith a f speed automatic transmission ea i fiss if h o x n h i 1 1 i nm mr conditioning powder windows power locks cruise control allseason tires dent resistant panels a30daymoheybacitguarantee well you get the picture t oaieoolinoiniiiiicoiil- r l cs fv a r tvv t iv wai iuv vc- v vr tf- il v lease payment based on j999 sw2 purchase price of 22053 and 1999 sl2 purchase price of 19998 plus applicable license and taxes overa term of 36 months with adown payment of 53300 on the sw2 and 2000 on the sl2 at an interest rate of 55 per annum with a f s- 7 t- buy bacltof 11908 on aesw2 and 10998 on the shallowing 20k i 2 11 s- fy