ff br william mtirpm i is pleased to announce massdciduonwitk dr murphylwill be relocating to vy v 501 1 hwy 7 sabiston heritage house just west of mccowan rd on hwy 7 across from markville mall v 1 markham ontario l3rj1n1 new phone number 905 4157700 s family wellness dentistry k cosmetic dentistry gum therapy crowns 1 bridges zs orthodontics whitening dentures- emergencies put yoiif feerin goipd hsmds see the medical professional who specializes in feet j- i your podiatrists thad zarras dpmv doctor of podiatric medicine- podiatrist foot specialist no referral necessary cornscallouses warxs bunions vdwaccepted ingrown fungus or thick nailsfjv orupacceptedas footjsi legrampsheelvarch pain jparia payment diabeticarthritic geriatricfoot prescrlpffoncustom orthot tcs imperialcentrev37 sandifdrd drsuite30istoujefviueont 9056467703 cri m fs tvx a giftatkeejps oh fitting into 1999 j i j i only- rammwamforfiwnessis here m stoleorme3ft cordio equipment circuit training and freeweight room m 5 internalionalsquasrtcourts with squash pro large aerobics studio r with cushioned floor j over 45 classes per weekmcludmg slep yoga 7b cri reebok cycling classes personal trainers computerized fitness evaluation program indoor swimming pool aquafit classes whirlpool steam rooms and dry saunas massage shiatsu therapy beautician and hair stylist chiropractor sports lnury specialists licensed lounge and restaurant child care 7 dayscweek plenty of free parking buy an annual membership before december- 31 98 dndjeceiyeh over 50 off entrance fees plus get january 99 frjil oneafid half yearerydur child iden akehs 6r 1115 mratiisyour citifies filings in trevponse to questionst -a- j -t- js v j such as partsof the body he uses a few single wordsrvliile completely of perfectly j pronounced the words shouwjtfe clearly meaningful oyslrstyour ctiild- follows simple cojnmands withbut visual cues from thespeaken your child listens for the meanifpfwords not just sounds uiidefstalids simple questions arid commands and uses mainly nouns in his orfherlanguage also your child splits twotd i three worlds together fo j makeseritenfces although they are not complete or grammatically correct x4urf child kas between 200 arid 250 r vocabulary 7 years your child understands andmses yerbspronouns v fadiecllvesriydurchild begins toobey prepositional phrases uses words to prelate tpobsefvatidns concepts ideas and- relationshipsr can tell a story or felayjanideatb someone has a sen- tencelengthof three to four words has ayocabulary of nearly 1000 words and canproduce consistently m n p f h and w four years your child is able to give connected accounts of some recent events and can speak of imaginary conditions your child will have a sentence length of four to five words uses past tense correctly and has nearly 1500 words in spoken vocabulary a dr ken lasiwloi modern a traditional dentistry p care general hw cosmetic dentistry for the whole family including orthodontics for children adults snoringsleep apnea jaw jointtmj treatment l iii electronic insurance filing 18 crown steel dr sutte 109 markham 4v new patients welcome kmkrckxcycaiwaccipikd t hwy7 ci hwy 407 -5- j 1 hlhavo sloelos v i v happy fitness healthy new jedf v v j v located in the v rf a embassy suites 90547012003 8500warden ave al hwyw markhdm a k a d t7xi a a k x 9 p 9 years and older viyi akivh aivi- not available for paitand present members you must ggrv jpehase you 1 0day offer no later than december 24 1 998 t v- purchase your t i i i 5- t a rv