4j r w 14 economist sun stouffville tribune tuesday da 1 1998 v i rrz j j v it it rr 7 jf 1 3- tjsgait 3k a lottery funds ja -c- baked goods or cash arealso welcome proviriciai government fyjthe gffistmasjderwmbleseryedv program which designates inohey for yorkdiirham heritage railway -ifork- rendedmerovmg pro- at nbor sanmwiujarrivelat lptm municipalities i 1 durham aphasia v centre arid to help local charitiesthe transportation isalso provided local groups applying for the wffitchiuchstbuirville give your teen the christinas gift that eould save their life hockey province setup the new 40 million r there is no charge for this event program 1 l jrwewelcomepeppletocomeandshare- ai 7 x ill j tms day wimusheffem said 5 ll cnnstmas dinner for the needy for more information calf 6403813 s 6r8526il5ext326 c j vr every v teen wants ytyofcp- chnsffias an every parent wants to 1 w ayoi3 those sleepless- nights while teeiifs learn to drive colli- sionfree call toliay for yd gift y certificate of any vadue and enroll yotsejifin afee young- drivers cbdfiyer course too hy should teeris get all the neat gifts perfect young drivers of canada your license to survive registered wwwyoungdriverscom stouflfville- 6401229 4 bay course starting december 28th the whitchurchstouffville museum heritage advisory board would like to thank the following sponsors for contributing to r the success of the shantymans supper and live auction arstouffville loreen ambler j anns fabrics ballantrae community centf committee jearibarkey james bessey biggs gallery framing shop ltd billboard promotions bradford rental sales service- cabletech century mill drysdales tree farm ella duncan the english gardener stephanie foley friends of the whitchurchstouffville museum g p antiques bob haley r hutchinson farm supplies igastouffville john lords books king cole ducks anne koven eric sharon lismanis doug mcroberts h rerennial petals v seve lilly pliakes schell lumber stouffvillechrysjer stbuffville sales service stbuffville sun n the toronto blue jays baseball club l tree valley gardens weston produce stouffville alsop insurance angles eatery aurora home hardware barthaujs jewellers boyds source for sports canadian tire stouffville gladys clarkson miriam duckett embroidery unlimited farmer jacks giles chevrolet oldsmobile houston ford mercury inside out decorating larry keffer judith kostilek litcham gallery maples of ballantrae david penhorwood r lvui petvalue stouffville rarri forest products v the regional municipality of york sms machihetoos ljdrv shoppersdrug mart stbuffville c rapid hotbtstouffville l bob bettestaler v z royal bankrauroraf stouffville ronst r shepherdscbttage- v todays nsstationers carol rofly scptt- andrew margaret van gastel a whirschstodffvele psl new subdivision proposed a -39-fisme- estate 16tsubdivisibn no one need go hungry or be alone on christmas day in stoufmue coiiritry market is hosting a christmas dinner for people h t in need as well the market is providing will be build on mccowari rbadhbrth a meal for shutins in the area of aurora road if whitchurch- 7 last year more than 350 people stouffville xouftcil gives the goahead attended the dinner at the 10th line politicians will decide tonight if the business y house lots wilh be built each lot is for some the dinner is becoming a about two acres iri size blolckbusterf mtrtblyer as tiwfi shoppersdfog vktgift book- whiterose iw eatons lansing biiildalh the bay netmediadsi heapnios up 00 is4ptlmahaj5 peoples jewellers petro canada harveys annes fabrics no ojse can deliver results like we do to book your flyer distribution call markham 9052948244 stouffville 905 6402100 konomistsun elected areas only stbuffville tribune flyer delivery economist s stribufieit ourpefmahenr carrier force can i guarantee your message 5 is delivered j tosie homes you choose at a price you can afford 2948244 tr l ir talv 5- tk v economist syn stouffville tribune news you can use please recycle is v sluffvflle s mamm