itchurc aremakeofthe i j l r t y v v 1 si jj 50 cents including gst 20 pages tuesday dec 11998 to reach us 905 6402100 environment search onfor regional waste transfer station site to see lend of battle by jennifer brown staff writer bychristoperdquris iwasht at that ineetihg he t explained lwarit tbtknovitthe recyclables and organicmaterial y staf v said usually iget a copy pfitsent- whole ramifications of it the region has opted to pursue an mayor waynijemmerson is tome in my agenda f- at a meeting of the regional integrated facility to deal witkall concerned hes not- gettirig c he pointed out vvwtchurchsolid was strategy public liaison three waste streams enough information about the stoufrehashadejerienceli committee nov 10 xonsultant the amount of waste-prp- regions search for a wastejtransfer with a large dump within its bor- gartner lee unveiled 35 candi- duced in the region is ejected to 1 station site ders oursfihally closed because vdate sites for the transfer facility double from its currenf213006 enierson was surprised he it was full i needed when the maple dump tonnes per the next 25 wasnt informed- that a list of 35 emerson said hes riot saying closes in 2002 years i x possible sites had been released no to the facifitytwant to be with the dump closing the markharrr regional councillor by york regions search commit- notified i wantto be upfront to region has to develop a longterm gord landon pointed out the 35 4 tee my residents he said i want it strategy for dealing with garbage site list is ayery initial screen v- it was the flrsf step toward a return to normal in york region ele- mentary schools as- teachers voted 9fpercent jrifayourof a proposed j setdement sunday- v- v that meant that students went back to dassyes- terday without j threat v rotating strikes andthe work j to rule action i could be oyer if a i trustees ratify the contract tonight v trustees are phyllis benedict expected to sup- unypieavedwwrort the deal results of twoyear even though it i tsettlemert will leave the f board with a ix shomau ofit2 million in the second year as it vis unkjiowh how jnuch nioney will be received from the province vi v 5 vdespiterthe problems that j remainr union officials were happy rtojseeanendtotmebatde j vveaiepleweiiwiththe results said phyllis benedict presideritlqf j j the elementary teachers federation j w qf ontanov ylz -j- j i the teachers hi yorkregion are j coricliidingithe strike with- a great sense of unity -i- v vbut- tbenedict warned that until j tnistees ratify teachers will not be j participating- in extra-curricular- j c see teachers page 3 i v 4 x photocheryfjohnson 2- i t- t io lighting up the stage some of santas elves showed up to singa tune at fridays festival of lights- sponsored by the bia n here fromleftv kelly carrolsandrastrohach and amtabvirden get mto the festive mood i tl financial services insured deposit rates i pavings account 420 1 year 485 3 yenr 510 5 year 535 rales subject to change ola rrsmutnl funds utolnsumnc kvftfk kenprenticecfp ringwoocf dr stouffviae 6429507ii v 1 i