jigpsagj3ssjs iiy a3syw j 1 2fcsol guarantee funny thafemost financial planners have just recently r discbveredffisrmp6rtaht concept when planning their clients financial affairs t rju federal affairs at ross dixon financial services investments with guarantees have always been a part of our stock in trade to find out more contact j0h financial services the best choice is here 18 ringwood dr stouffville linc laiiizty7 tljelma creighton ross dixon ken prenticecfp 0d administrator founder managing owner community minded professionals in your town tj canadian centre firearms canadiendes centre amies a feu do you own firearms what does the new firearms atr mean for you 1 as always safetycomes first the firearms safety course and testand the rules for storage display and transportation which arepart ohhelcufrent law are now part of the firearms act 2 everyone will heed a firearms licence in order to register firearms your fag j is considered a licence there are 2 types of licences valid for 5 years possession for the firearms you now own possession and acquisition if you plan to obtain firearms eveipifyou own h firearms now zmyf3 registration of all firearms begins december 1 1998 all firearms must be registered jy january- 1 2003 you register your firearms only once you may do so at one i bulk pricbneprice for any number of firearms you register all at the same time t jnv4 feetbr licences and registration are on a sliding scale its cheaper in the first fw elvejoibnths v p possession licence 10 december 1998 november 1999 0 0 and acquisition licence 60 from december 1998 onwards itnonrlstrictedjrifles and shotguns f tml- reftratipiiibulk 10 december 1998 november 1999 mv jjffou cgget licence and registration forms at the postoffice or by calling sp jn irwr wsse 18007314000 m ys to find out more call l800 orzvisit our v firearms safety is wi is everyones cpncern i 4 j sanada v s b from page 1 ways not to tear out liie tracks subur- ban commuters may one day use hes also helping the province and toronto put together a privatesector deal to renovate union station which collenette said would bring more go trains to york region the minister favours trains as a solution arguing the more roads you build the more traffic and develop ment you encourage we have let toronto sprawl too much collenette said the planners have allowed places like richmond hill and markham to become an extension of toronto and he suggested the massive feder al holdings in pickering and markham land his department is preparing to reserve for an airport may never be needed for one j lands beautiful flying over them recently hesaid tie realized how beautiful the pickering lands are this is an area that is frozen in time collenette said adding in 20 years the government might choose to preserve it as farmland or parkland in the meantime it would be negli gent for the government not to keep the lands he argued a the news r wktftker it happens next door or across the region read abotitafe economist sun stoufmlle tribiinesp computer warehouse sale skids skids at blow out prices a few sample deals m pentium systems from 299 m v 300 mhz systems from 499 k vl7svgamonitors299 h v 80 watt speakers 99 pe p 8magpvideocard5999 j v blank cdr disks 199 4 v keyboards from 99 h v ibm simply speaking with noise cancellation headset 4 99 h v corel wordperfect suite full retail box not oem v80 7999 j d current computer books as low as 99 h v modems from 299 h v windows 98microsoft msce current books from 70 off h v matrox mystique 4mb pcf video cards a y w retail boxed software from 99 centsul000s of titles m 180veslbeavercreekrd richmond hill thursnov 26llan6pm h fn nov27m0m7pmsarnov28m0amm h wrvirrryrrwwtrirriryrtryriririrtr 16 avenue v west beaver east beaver t n creek creek rd i 180 in rd hwy 7 bail 0 i x to v 1 hwy 407 h m 4 4 4 x x m h h 4 4 m h 4 4 4 m vi h 4 4 4 4 4 4 h 4 4 4 4 h h 4 4 4 4 please recycle economist sun stoufmle rtributlft v i s j l i no one candeliver results like we do- to book your flyer distribution call markham 905 2948244 stouffville 905 640r21 00 jc5kpsr sun ei alty rstoufmlemgune