cv the christmas season is rightarduhd the cor- gudniore operations manager at taylor tree f her and in the spirit of giving taylor tree farms farms v -vi- located northbf stouffville is proud to sponsor its this year we woulctlike tb double that to two 2nd annual food drive forthe tonnes we need publwupport all donations stouffymefoodbanlc- si aregreatly appreciat- customers can enjoy jf fed r ahorse drawnwagbn cusfomers can enjoy ahorse drawn jaylo tree farms ride over 140 scenic i v features a wide variety acres searching fprrthe wagon ride oyer i 4u scehlc acres omrees horses arid perfect treewhile at the fnrth np trpp- r tractor rides refresh- same time help to stock searcningtor tneperfect uee a bonfirfe and the shelves of the local r s music free tree baling food bank and tree disposal bags aridof course santa claus taylor tree farms is giving away a free bever- himself taylor tree farms is open- friday age for every nonperishable food item brought saturday and sunday beginning november28 to the farm s until december 23 from 9am untildusk for last year our goal was to raise one tonne of details call 6401325 or visit their website at food and we accomplished that said paul wwwchristmastreeoncataylortreefarmhtml stoufiville lions i m j 1000 amt6200prnx i r k- s off of hwy8justtiorth ofiblbofriingtoh christmas giftsat wholesale prices a wide flection of girls toys cakdles fragrances jewellery oil lamps bath beauty and much more o dera brian or a cup of hot cocoa and festive cheer p -si-ickjji- vis v annual christmas e5 donation project ecember 1st to december 15th 1998 donations of toys gifts nonperishable food items and new or good used clbthing will be collected and distributed to needy stouffville families in time for christmas by the stouffville lions donations may be dropped at the following locations canadian imperial bank of commerce 6311 main street f birkett hassard insurance brokers ltd 6262 main street vo markham stouffville credit union 6245 main street v the cooperators n insurancefinancial services- 6358 main street j v it the tribune sandifovllbr suite 306 scptiabank v 6323 mainstreet jxuisr joronto dominion bank toronto dominion bank v5892main 6212mainjst r confidential referrals are appreciated and will be processed jtiti discretipn j fot further infprmationregarding donationsor for 1 confidential referrals please contact i k lion cliff aiken64b2i53 a vv v v ted welter 8875508 k jrproject chairman lion carl johnson 6405554 all welcome ijoj lift ti vj ci v r j years of service watch for otheirv stouffville lions events the holiday seaso jvtd- j