yv- v l-s- fvift kfe-v- j k riomistsunsloufivilletribuneisatuidaynovzlqqs 5 v art- m v w mi put a classified advertisement to work for you tsi itsjfestxj 7hirvir yst2jk4 i2 dws by jennifer brown staff writer v x it was a- picture jiot often seen in todays lean mean healthcare system- whiie hospitals ihother parts of it ontario are being closed or arrialga- mated officials and politicians gath- ered- at york central 4 hospital in richmond hut thursday to pour the cornerstone for a new lorigterni care facility o the 215millibn facility will bv linked to the hospital on the first and second floor and will include 100 nurs- ing home beds 90 chronic cafe beds y and 32 rehab places doublirig the size of the hospital the hospital wifl grow to 519000 square feet from its current 343000 square feet and the tshaped longterm h care facility will be oh land- that previ- fd ously served as a parking lot as the jif physical size of the hospital grows so r doesits budget goingfromsss mil- fm j lion to almost 100 million byl 2003 vwi york central is the first tobenefit from fuvl fundsallocated as a result of hospital restructuring initiatives in the province iaj i you are one of the first hospitals to ft begin construction after the recom- tpftl niendations of the health services nrt restructuring commission hsrcyou 15 are leaders as you beginthis construe- cvj tibh said health minister elizabeth k p witmer who attended the ceremony jx but the project has bejsn in the lutlo works formany years prior to the cre- ation of the hsrc york central first on the move va community jpartriership v health speakei series presented by markhafh stciuffville hospital z location milliken mills community library p room o 7600 kennedy road markhdnrr v- 4905 9408323 time 730 pm to 830vm v 1 novembers 1998 j treschoolspeechlanguage program speaker isabelle giuliani november li 1998 nutritionfood labels speakerrpam sharma t november 25 1998 r domestic violencecommunity resources speaker carl basso milliken on the move a community partnership- has as its essential theme the drawing together of people interested in building a stronger social network within k whole community serving the needs of youth families disabled seniors and any other group anyone- who wants to be involved can share in the leadership and presentation of ideas the steering committee wants to open more opportunities for people to participate obtained a nursing home licence 10- fv wi wn j w n years ago but jherewere always delays jyif actlvely in the lfe andwork n milken mills and markham ailongtheway- f l when the health services xp fkvtadixj am restructuring commission recom- 1 l vlvrlrln mended additional beds last spring ajp meiuili0txceu plans for the centre increased in size informafion line 24 hr 905 4157500 web site wwwcilymarkhamonca important recorded messages for you1 a war bride at peace r nov7 13 afree 2946960 lawyer petier j lje warne matrimonial personal injury 7 comrnercial litigation j smalf business law bankruptcy rea estate 7 wills over 20 years experience low rates quality service 4701 highway no at kennecly rd j ontario l3fmm7 r tel 4774381 fax 4777601 j 24 hour availability ontnfldhq government guaranteed securities 6 minimum 25000 ask about our monthly pay v bernard fitzpatrick or scott lawrence investment advisont yr 18003824964 k rate subject to change and availability j t assume investment held until maturity td evergreen wealth management auwstmhcasjblktidoaibaa notice to all markham hydro customers markham hydro is now mailing your hydro and water bills this change is to comply with the rules and reguiatibns of canada post please direct any questions or comments to v markham- hydro customer accounts 7905 4773844 or email seryicemarkhamhy3rocqm markham hydro power company paiil hyatt chairmdti 8100 warden avenuepo box 4100 marknam ontario l3r8h7 1 jf j i fred cox bill burnett donmcnabb vicechairman commissioner commissioner mayor d6hgouseris commissioner v y v s