j2sszx23i l c f c bb maw k wum 1 11 trudel soivs roofing ltd i4 ir vi trudel sons roofing aluminum ltd serving our commumfofor25yearsrl htamattf reroofmq new roofs v ne manufacturers stinging from criticism frbm the provincial government york region hospitals msisf tfieydidnt bother applying for jongternfcare funding tjsumrrier becausethey simply have rid roomforhioirebedsr- patients frequiringj longjtehhjcare the special sh6it fungvasdesigriedto bndgethegapuntilpermffliient longterm care beds can be provided iv acfossthe i gtardecided not toapply for the shorttermfundirig arguing lp wasnt worth v while which prompted criticism from cam jacksoh 6ntaripsminv ister for lbhgterm care r v warranty aspliltflats5 1 cedar shakes s baywmdows skylights i uojicopperwprk t j aluminumsoff it fascia f lj eavestroughirig v come to trudel roofing where all estimates are freef alfwork islnsiired bonded with a 10 year warranty on workmanship first of all we dont have the physicalspace for those s carriereaddirighe also doesnt have room toadd extra beds for rehab acute care or continuing care as recommended by the provinces health services restructuring commission j t i thats why weve been lobbying to get our expansion he said 5 r carriere also pointed out the hospital doesnt have the demand for more longterm care beds we dont have a backlog of thosepatients in this hospital the people we have need critical care surgery or emergency needs- he said you need to have a critical mass of patients v td make sure it is staffed efficiently wed be losing moneyon this deal thats what made jacksohjscriticism so frustrating when i hearjcommentslike that it makes me wonder if t the right hand knows what the left is doing said carriere j the lack okspace was also the issue atmarkham stouffyille hospital according to president elizabeth j woodbury j i 8 amm 3pjrl5lj 11 1 ilhmbiwfffl iwltnll lwira w 2dqfly lb5aands dqhp ceodsiiffiiieipsfflffsp proud member of v the better business bureau the toronto home builders association 100 ringwood drive unit 1 1 12 j stouffviue 905 6423515 iffl remembering fthose who i t november 11th i remembrance jmy s s- series 1 paradelstmegemetery isusday november 8th 00 pm service at the hall cwednesday november 1 ilthv v t 1uou amv leqionhall at the j cenotaph y- 4 r i j o y l v c i vivian baptist ghurgh b 5 blgomingjon 4733543 z 2m f gospel hurch wuw- b7fab rd ih 8th 1998 v li- pastor robertokum come itf cfiurcfi on sunday stourtvilleiunlted church 34church stn 6401163t s worship minister rev robert nightings iswa education minister nancy mbnteitrfe w sunday november 8th 1998 trijoiso am- worship service r i 1 sunday school from baby fold to the grade 8 level j isssevbryoneiwelcomeci si v t r 4 1 parish christghurch v sunset blvd stouffviue 1 the rcw robert ashlckb 6401461 r wednesday november 4th 1998 1 000 arm seniors service tea ita9y 9d0arrf- 3plm parishconference j the revcanon tim elliott i lunch provided i i j nqyember 819983 23rd sunday after pentecost j v remembrance sunday 800amholyoommunion 10pj nurseryahdchurchschcrptovided v w s 75 spnngvalc bl baptist church b m stoufmlerd at kennedy rd f- 8875651 v- r bob fkmmlng r vtjbiuthornl6n senior pastor v associate pastor associate pastor student ministries r brian g- slrncoe i y- worship jmusiccoordinator l heather thornton l ministries coordinator sharon russell fs- fi j sunday november sfi 1995 i 900 ant 1100 am r f worship serviced pastor bill thornton o prkvicivillmcrf 12184 ninth line south cstoyfviile sunday november 8th 1998 idr timothy starr t v- peoples church l f i 700 pm auditorium si usmrsrsomtehtjh 945am christian education tv 1045 am peace v d r v ii pastor henry j place bibles by phone lu hi you can place bibles in memory or in honour of a friend or family member dial toil free gideons will send card jjhk yimandmastercadaccepted v- s5 for this service a minimum 10 y s 7e donation is requested- po box 3619 ivc j tj rk iw 5198231140 triftfrrir fr519 767 1913 5 v w ww ii intfllnational in canada 1 1 series eph a beautiful bride members meeting stoufivillebapjisnehurch site6273main street y in ilwdavjsghool j v i yrjsj 4 j everyone welcome pl j v kidsclubs for more info call church office f 6853 main ststouffville 6405696 1 tsundaynovembeptn1998jk it 930 anv am mark middleton rlglobaltervnusctheaiverwcciougj ci sunday school forages 3j12runs mconcurrent with thisservicet r6kx pm bev praeterwyclrffe translators i missionary pbotpapua new gunea imiclphitflf i saturdaynovembervl4th yr 700 pmspecial coricert vijmrmduardklasseri v vpajfaguayanharpist 4 all are welcome ii i i n i i- v v-