v- f s 3w v- lmji v j s v a 14 economist sun stoufivilfe tribune thursday od 291 1998 dealing with theeari2000 jhe year 2000 problem y2kormillennium bug originates with 2 ert that uses twodigits will change fromf 99 to 00 computer programs may misinterpret 00 as 1900 your business has even one computer you j could experience business disruptionsoh january 1 2000 l v not just a problem fcr bigbusinessi i manyownersof small and medium businesses beheve the yearooo problem only iffects large companies withcbmplex1ietworkahcl vl c- operatme systemsoftware and networks- eopardizmg vital links with customersbusmess partners and suppliers increasinglybusiness and government equ ire their suppliers provide proof ofy2k a cdhclitiprf for doing businessx f- v get government tax relief for y2k compliance the federal government offers accelerated capital cost allowance cca of up tqj500d0 to smalland mediumsized v busmessefor upgrades to computer hardware and software that are not year2000 compliant this allows you to deduct 100 percent of eligible expenditures in the year in whichlhey occur need help getting started keeping current on all the new technology and how it helps you stay competitive is no easytask an ipc consultant can show you how to use todays information technology to maximize your business your ipc consultantwill analyze your current office systems for maximum efficiency youll learn about new more effective tools to communicate with your employees customers and vendors for example the internet provides smaller businesses withnew channels tojeach your market and increase your sales we help you explore the opportunities it offers jour businessyour ipc business consultant can helpyou get online without blowing your budget well reviewyour risks with you and suggest an action plan to ensure your business rriovessmopthly intothenext century what makes ipc your best computer or network choice choosing the supplienfor your computer and network needs is not a decision to take lightly it can dramatically affect the successof your business how and in the future c you want todeal with a stable company with a demonstratedability to provide rehablertopquahty products and services support is crucial and of course you want the best value you can find vve sincerely believe youll find all of these at ipc the securityof experience since j 985rweive beenmanufapturihg computer systems for the canadian market during thmime our company has grown and r t matured to meet the evolving needsof our clients and now were one of the countrys largesf pg manufacturers we take pride in designing and producing systems thatjncorporate the latest technology- quality and flexibility to meet your needs ourlso 9002certifipatiqn attest to the commitment to quality that cv has helped us to build a large base of small businesses smalki j bfficeomeojficeandcojporatecustomersto meet the demands of r ourbusihesscustomers we developed the flex ordersystentfos fosallowsyop tospecifyjqur particulahardware and software j requirements get exactly what youneetl with a shdrtturnvrouhd v a time at a price that makes sense- in short we offer our business l customers total carte blanchewhen they order our systems i 11 ckkf- h i i r av v oc x whats the next step w f companies like ypurearejijready using the ipc small bjinessservertp h gain acqmpetitive edge gfowsalesand increase pfofitstcan you afford -nottojointhem- a r call nowforl freenoobligatlon c v ft y 5 analysis of your current technology 1 1 and business needs its tollfree at 1888446472 fax 90572633 i well include ajquotation fora turnkey j solution that will get you up and c 1- mnningonthelnternevandboosti- yourstaffs productivity you can also j r e info3dmicrocomor visitpurebsite at wwwipccominot quie ready yet just let us know when j youd likeutocontact youand well fejl k v v -srv- i c j-slag- 3gqrsg5s5jki i x- all the v n x fji c 7 t x aw 7 v c r ivt new technologies mall business ifodaysicompetitive marketplace r you needevery edge you can get tostay ahead fortunately businesses today have access to v management and communications tools that x werent available only a few short years ago j systems like our ipc small business server featuring the intel- pentium ii processor which helps you communicate betterimprove customer service project your company image on the internet and simplify daily tasks leaving you to focus on your strategic ob- jectives at ipc we understand that your job is running your business not learning and in- m tstalling new techn network solutionis i j of technology with we make it eaj mail and the trite costs by sharing of and business softv youneed to enhar to improve yo you can choose welook after evei f 41 die your own inst get exactly theie s- from ipc- vf x companies like yours are already using- the ipc small business server tto gains a competitive edge grow sales and increase profits can you afford not to joirithem whats the next step 7 warranty fahipcsmll are covered byte 1 warranty forap from the date of original purchase i r 4 u i ipc was one of the first pc companies in n call now for a free noobhgation analysis of your current technology t t r m js r v t -x- t j full three year warranty v aihpc companion notebooks are cover quotation for a turnkey solution that will get you up and running onthe t i j yt l internet and boost your staffs productivity you can also email us at smallbizipcca or register at durebsiteat wwwipcca not quite ready yet just let us know wheriyoud like usjto rnntart vnn onrl wah vianiuo flip ckiprlnlina v j5 contact you and wejll handle the scheduling v j t technical support warranty which includes one year parts andttv original purchase date bundled software all ipc small business systems include a pac adds incredible value to the system without add business leasing i ipc has offered crossrcanada tollfree bilingual technical support for the x past three years and has a capable and experienced support team in place j c asa leading microsoft oem ipc has developed an effective technical v portprogramjodeayw t a11ipc systems are year 2000 y2kcbmp1 x j j iavftimpnt tav rpliff tnrnfi nrnoriimc a leasing istax deductible for business purpds lease your new personalcomputer today throi can trusts 1 vanety of mcrosoft productivity applications a i todif ixn moi a x j n- iir j -v- a i j government taxelier incentive programs a lhairu a v get government tax relief foi nine corporatesalesand service offices in canada ipc is able to pro- cr i niiljli ffli- -l- tsk k if- i the federal government offers accelerated v vide a high degro ofi on a nationalbasishn areas notcoveredop oorf ssisii x ta- v- r- k ti