sm0hmmatoaima8m finwi an miai lui h- ny- i c i i ngr m v fcs- f- stoiiffmetffirjuw i5 a metroland community newspaper i uiar- vs general manager alvm brouwef z editorinchief advertising director business manager brenda larson v debra welter r margaret fleming regional editor classified manager office manager brian kirlik staceyauen vivian oneil f editor tracy kibble distribution director barry goodyear operations manager pamela nichob editorial iteamins or sj i ffe t j- c y i york regional police officers are understandably womedabout replica handguns being sold inthe 4 t j- f i in triiscase7the toy guns fire soft air or soap pel- f lets asthe name implies the replicas look like real weapons v j j v- v howon earth a police officer could ever be expected to tell thedifference between a replicaarid real gun is beyond oufwmpfehension anyone who brandishes a replica handgun is sirfi- ply asking to be shot i r v if something isnt done quickly tostop thvsale of these weaporisthe bddsbn the police snooting someone witha replica gun will just keep getting i higher it wontbe a question of if some fool is going to be killed bypolice its a question of when it will happen and the mostfrightening aspect about the avail- ability of these replica guns is thatthey are being sold to youngsters alf eadvpolice have had to deal with teenagers using the replicas k last week markharh a mother took three of the v gunsaway from teens who had been firing them in the neighbourhood we applaud hercourage and ti civic fespprisibiiitybut imagine what might have happened if police had been called to the scene with the undefstandingthat it was a gun call it could havebeeri tragic t n in another case fast week police responded to just such a gutfcalljn thornkill only to discover a 13yearoldboystanjdingonmestreetwithareplica pelletgunvthatyoungstefshouwbe iucky stars tliat hesstill alive the kids parents should also be furious that their son wasable tobuy such aihonstrous toyit could r m atiui haye killed him v v addre ymerchantvliow6udsellarepl z teenager has nbrigritoperating a business somebodys blood will soon be on their hands yorkpplicesay theyvyould like sorriejough laws tbfestrictthe age at which these guns can be puf- -chased- i j y we suggest much stronger sanctionsthese jjweapons should be banned period tjrieyjserve np purpose other tiian to grve criminals there arealready severe penaltier evictinis 11 15 i v- lmjersjdtheepjnrpr readers should wake up hen jane dov a womanv whofought al2year legal rattle with toronto policei arguing they used her ait u n bait for a serial rapist said lastweek 1 that rape victims should just forget- abdiit fepoftihgtke prime i was cer tairi i misuiiderstoodjthe message r 1 wthisisawomanwliosuccessfully argued that she and the women in her neighbourhood should have been l- advised about a serial fapist in their midst should havebeen warned kbouf the potential danger she o6viouslycaredenough that flaw thesystem tofight12years to see it cbrrectedyv py v the messageshe sent toall women during her battle wimthvsystemwas- one of true character she wasnt going to give up until she found justice and fairness she won j not so long ago the tribune printed an article along with an interview about the stouffville ambulance service and its managerpetearroll in the article carroll expressed his concerns about maintaining adequate airport would destroy region as fast growing 1 j we oppose the proposed pickering lands airport designation the con struction of ari airport would destroy the agricultural environmental and res- ambulance coverage for ths towh he idential properties within the durham b and york areas the land and owners have existed in some cases for well over i f v brought to ounattention theiricreased call volume andthe heed to add extra staff and a vehicle tp meet those demands r tfully expected comments from edi tors and readers alike notso it appears j thateveryone has a laid back no coring m w be dl attitude- sliould this concern not be addressed allow me to predict the future someonein town will lose their i isfythe greater toronto areasbid for t but the message she senflastweek doesnt reflect that its hot 6nej3f persistence of determination 6- strength its sad that jane poevhorrible experience mtijustiseems to be an accural pprtrayalpr what can happento the yictim y 150 years and an airport would encroach on their right to reside and enjoytheir properties residents would lose their way of life the landjwoulcl become contami- natediahd we would suffer from air and i 1 i i i i i i v i i i i j i i i i i i i i the message tells us to give up to acknowledge that the system works- v against victims and to forget about t correcting it or using itto our benefit its a message from someone who has beeriexhausted by her own experi- noise pollutions land values would t pluvgetne women who report rapes she says irllte rcfirhircftprtarnntnari5whrifnr are then raped agaii because anambiilance was not present wjjpa onto easpi aror to service his needs intime stof disputable the whenthis worse wseicenario hap- to the province the regions of pens- who will the newspapers and urham and yorksave the individual readers blame betternbt bv j t the infrastructure created bv the air- premier mike hams is a likely can- t n replica nandgiih while committing those whoseu these offensive devices to our chil- 4em demand mayyourhardearnea tax mal acts to support the trade the i dollars be diverted from that other emergency service arid used for ambu- lance requests v r j o- u u rerrieriider last summer that other ppsed of over 20 yeare ago for the above raped again by an uncaring system theyre treated unfairly and insensitively by police by lawyers by the justicesystemf its such a sad nies sage one triarnvedsclianging its bad enough that women cant take a walk in meirneighboiirhood at to drenand we need those laws now cheers jeers i must we alsotkrowup our hands in region would hence- no longer be 1 de known as the fastest growing region l we wm be victimized by apse who are o m p tohelpus c its sad that jane does horrible a the proposed airport lands were dis- in ijositiorit6helpus jx experience with justice seems to be ah accurateportfayaiof what can happen to the victimr4ss7 wl but lihlesvwe demand help when twp-