ha basir word adveftsement for 45f cs 2atjsiin requesting money you may wish to investigate tefftl sh 58 yfotv thhrxriay- ikbll nnna avauii uiejiemet one day rosteasjqw as10 aifd offemnetnunn hotc y5zyfl0ttj thursday- wwtaesday noon weffsmet contact asalesrepresentatives assume lesponsfcuy for the validity of the bffenrig fofipierlnforrnatjorl v fflg visa j saturday fiidiyliodn httpiwwwydnjrii- tr- iv iriiplease checkvour advertisementon the first aayof publicationftoensureaccuracy vawc s social 600 tenders 640 anniversaries r 50jhwedding anniversary ralphbtriee v- f46iton invite you to help them s celebrate their special day atanoenjhouse y saturdayjoctoberfslst v 14 pm 24 balsam stuxbridge bdst wishes only requestfor information expressionsofjnterest and a credential package for the design conceptrlayoutprblluctidhap8 printing of the regional municipalirofyows1998arinal report will be received until november 3 1998 430 prn local time 7 n contract p9842 605 legal notices v j i notice to creditors and others la theestate of v dieter kurt augenstein date of- death june 15 199 the undersigned proposes to dis- tribute- the assets of the estate of dieter kurt yaueensteiniate of the town of markhafhin itherecional municipality 6fjyork and will beresponsible only for claims of whidvshef has notice and whichiafe receivedtbyherohvor be- fore the 20th day of n6vember 1998 ji f dated at richrhoncf hiu- this 20th day bf october 1998 i teresa bender- r estate trustee bruce emachbn t richmond hill ontario l4c5k9 york region will be embarking on the preparation of its1998annual report beginningjn november with a final product required no- later thanjuhe 15 1999 expressions of interest are now beingsought for assistance in prepanng thisdocumentrv i s h- vwi the credential packagelshalldempnstrate thecompanys capacity skil andjexpenence in the design concepts layout and production of arian- nual report companiesinterested j being considered jor this project must meet as a minirhumtthe following cntena h havea proven track record in producing hign calibredocuments for comparable privatepublic preferably at the municipal level sectors organizations within ontario 2- can undertake either inhouse or coordinate with others the ir design photography production and pnntmg bf the document can produce the document within the above noted timetable and j within the budget approved by regional council r providecurncula vitae of the project team 7 provide all information requested in the rfi document therfi documentwillbeavailable on tuesday october 27 1 998 at the regional municipality of york administrative building sup plies and services branch 17250 yonge street newmarket ontar io l3y 6z1 telephone 9058951 231 facsimile 9058950502 qualifiedcompanies imay be invite fonan a j interview or asked to submit a detailed if proposalpr quote on selected projects at a later date if otitanoseisirigsuir w rs in memonams 655 jji loving memory j of bruccgoode oct 28th 199k rj 680 citizen appointmentto the york- region pplice services board the regional municipality of york- is seeking applications jrdm inclividuals interested ki serving as a citizen appointment to the police services board for a temfhot to exceecftwo years-j- fx the regional municipality of york police services board is- responsible for tfieproyisioh of policeservices law enforcernent and cnmepreventionwithin the region of york v in order to be eligible forappointment to the police services- boarbyoumustbe jys- aesidentoftheregionbfyofk i1 j js jr a canadian citizen at leasm8 years of age v v rl s not a police officer nw notajudgeorjusticeofjhepeace- z v a nof a person who practices cnminal lawas defejisejcounsel kxpnf preference willbegiven applicants wit hvthetol iq wi n gj qualifications- j a demonstratedhistory of community service ability to devoteup to 20 hours per month to police services board r rnatters including availability dunngbusiness hours skills or leadership in business or a profession which demonstrates ability to work effectively as a member of aboard those persons interested in serving the york region community in this capacity should contact theregional clerksoffice 9058951231 box 147 17250 yonge stnewmarket on l3y6z1fto receive a yorkregion policeservicesboard application form applications will be iccepted until novembersl 2 1998 information is collected under tfietofice services ret s27 and used to determine suitabifitu for appointment to the yorkliiaioh toice services board r 1 645 shaw martin sud- denlyatjhis j friday october 23rd 1998 v- beloved rhus- band ofnancylqyedj- father of jason ahd his- wife carmel j3f mount albert ana laurie of stouffville s- 5 loving grandfather qf emily and hitaiy v brother of howaro- v ralph and lucille fnends called attfie thompson funeral home 29 victona streetaurorafuneral service in the chapel on tuesday october 27wvat11am pnvate family interment- do nations to the hearth i stme foundation would beappreciat- ed s 675 n events iqou coming events j we who love you sadly miss you f as it dawns another yeart in ourjorielyhoiirsof thinking ff- v o v thoughts ofyou are even near flhis yemarjorie scfkmily i memorial seiyice r 655 in memonams vklovihgwarmmernoryofl 7 i5justinalbert wholeft outlives oh october 19th 1987 upturning back fiie hands of tuneh- was justasampleasmakinga rhyme i ttien thats what we woulddo just so we could be with you jtyou were here and always stayed 7 exactlyasweve often prayed then through the days and nights wed find peacein our hearti and in6ur 1 iftnmgsmdnbtlledoutkbadvtr t t youfnew baby brother with eyes of blue v- if you were home you still might near z his cries avnightifyou lwerej near he cneffso softtyyqu need to strain- vl you listen oricethen jisteriagainsr l t thatwedontwantseejfougo f vs your baby brother wants to plaly lv if you could be wiurus everyday a love forever j f aranfcarl5chailynne7 f t- 1 i xv for scott norman garrisons iwaltv t tvvj j v j i feb 762 sept1898 inlc of vk held at st andrewsunited church v main st mirkhim- s friday qct307pm wale following service at sgl peppers5694 hwy7 marklumj 5f i ryan jaines in loving memory of a a husbandvfajher and grandfather who wjertfromuspct6br28thvj597 i lt1wl eyoudklrkrtgoalonerjficr s chucks barbershop will officially cloie i oct30799a j would like tpextehdimy gratitudeand besi wishes to jail my custqtriers t their patronage f and friendship throughout the past pforty years i r l 1 r sincerely chuck i wtt woodcrafts ctlbistmassale4 woodcrafisv folk art saturday nov- 7th- 1 v 830 am 4 pm 1221410th line south stouffville sale inside 685 lemonville community centre 7 wnque cougby atrrpsphere f a perfect setting fciany occasion weddings i family reunions t art shows r business meeting- v dog shows s v y 13453 mccowah road to rent call 6403965 agon j thcsigriof a good business ii personals eb0hc hhk action ones taik hue to kkk ladifs i secretly listen n recorded fantasies dateline tod jisj 1 sit 976 4225 neighbour -is- mi ii z i i l- tt reachirig new residents new mothers brideslb fnew 1 new businesv liitfit civic business information f gifts 1 fl invitations phonefe 90547 13886s vto xbusinessfcv r represented or t freceivea welcome wagon vlslt f 1 f 675 announcements 685 deaths for part of us went with you t the day god called you home jyou left usbeamrfulmernoriesj i j iyourlcveissulcwgukje 11 i i andthoughrwe cannot see you u jr you are always by our side j s jouf family chain is broken vt j and nothing seems the same t v but as god calls us ione by one w theciainwibpnksigalh4 r p if daughters cora grsnnesohs oarriesi tixsearlpaui aridjaroiliesi persohaltpmybfdirhe holy spirit holy spint thou make me see everything and j im8w4ra3mbwmm shgw me the waylo reach my idealrpu wlragive 4 mhetdivinegift to forgive anil forget the wrong that is done to me and who are in all instances of life withmelmn thisshottjsalmuetwant to thank you everything andconfjrm once more that i never wanfto beseparated from ywjiio matter how great thewerialciretrriaybe want tobewlh youx jand my loved ones in yoyrperpetua pjojyamen- 1 person must praythis scecutrviyswitfwiit f ores wfehfler the 3rd day yourwfeh wo befgrahtednb matter how difficult ftrmayvbe k beengranted jv c- siourmtlieroffvi clr v vjlf g- perpallp isuymria ffocusi on flowers 116 main st n markham 4717000 five del if cry to j dixtingurland a funeral ilaine jl fnoticejpi readers iv befdfezfrespond- ingitoany adver- tisement v re questing y jyhat moneyr be sent you may wish to investigate if pthv companyiandjhe offert pub- lisher canrnot-fas- sibitityxfoyhe validjtyaoffhepf feringr advertised within ahedassi- rvai fiedpages