r r v r a v ih r- r ih j m heyorkcprnarii r i ended a success- j fill seasonwith a halloweeritrain ride betwrfuxbridgeandt w goodwood jstatirinsjast saturday night jthe event brought out large crowds of pedple iip for the occav jaon the ride was in so much demand in fact v 30 people almost hah to 2 wave goodbye from jhe station but everyone eventually found a seat onthe fivecar trains 3 r- organizers say next- 4 v ryear theyll extend the hauoweenrride over two knights to accommodate the number of people i interested z in this photo revin parks of stouffville r s enjoys the ridewith v mom jennifer v ph0t0cherylj0hns0nt n c c- li a zi m fa1v1e mens hairstyling 5sirec6iac6fimfirilarv r scruples k with every wash and cut- j v moutss v mondayw6dnesdly90p600 v tliursdayfrtday 900700 saturdays 8d0-430- a now available am ti s-ii- tf 6180 main st stouffville fame mens hairstyling 04u434s t f iu jff r com flo church on sunday e 1 tm ham raptitrthi irgh i b i 111 i jfvj vivian baptist vchurgh i 4733543 on hwyi 48 at vivian rd v piaster robert okum holding fortfi the doctrines of grace 945 am sunday school il00 ixk morhing worship 700 pm evening service r i p v everyone is welcome parkview village 12184 ninth line south stoufiville sunday november 1st 1998 rev steve drudge j rouge valley mennbnite cfiurch 700 pm auditorium il h- ppl v5- bloomington vi v gospel church south of 47 highway formerly bloomington rd pastordr john howartht s- i sunday november 1st 1998 i 945am sunday school i 1100 am communion service 4 i jltoio lords death s x2nd corinthians 712 j 630 pm family program v tf everyone welcome v c wideman mennomte church 10530 hwy 48 northd major mackenae phone 640 6219 interim pastor henry regehr sunday november 1 1998 945 am christiarveducation 1045 am holy communion service- pastor henry 700 pm members appreciation jl i k puaruona welcome 6853 main st stouffville 6405696 sunday november 1st 1998 930 am worship the word 1100 am friendship seryice 5 sunday schobt for ages 312 runs w concurrent with this service 600 pm renewal service welcome to st james ipresbyterian t 5 church tr some november events biblesiforphina with revf blain macleod canadian bible society distnct secretary 3 suny n 1100atm i- v f everyone welcome va jyc v j jiff r- vpt the anglican parish of christ church j l 254 sunset blvd stouffville the rev robert a shields 6401461 november 1st 1998 stoufevllltunited church 34 churck st n 6401163 fa worship minister rev robert nightingale raft education minister nancy monteith a trjj sunday november 1st 1998 y 1030amworshipservlce l 300 pm musical high tea sunday school from baby fold to the grade 8 level everyone welcome 7 springvale 5bi baptist church b v stouffville rd at kennedy rd i ptv m s 8875651 bob hemming bill thornton bnaig simcoe v 5- j 1- j nt fl t- i n r t nursery and church school provided- i wednesday november jth 998 s 1000 am seniors service tea stouffville baptist church v afellowshiptckufch v tji627ziman street y- dtvr row rinrhnnbickle s 1 000 am bible class 1 1 00 am ryloming worship r wedhesaypm bibe study fravef 1 s v 7b guidewoifr chfldrenoh itie- y wavrvnii mukt go that sfwsrrf vi ifeyxbiraec- fofmore tote cau church office i- yv suvf senior pastor associaic pastor associale pastor student ministries worship t n musiccctordinator heather thornton childrens ministries cthordinator v russell stindafindvetiberlst 1998 a 900 am 1100 am c v lifciifclrsgrijlob pastor bobflemminffxm series ephma beautifuvbride v 1 iv 600 pm t felfouwfjipgroujis w 0ur138th anniversary k wjthrevjjohngpn i rresbyterianrecoreditqr i former moderatorqf v pfesbytefiart crturch f yincanada sunday november -v- h i adventt communion 4 beginningtheupurney t r to christmas r m sunday november 29 v 1100am- t y j04- st is ila friendly family-church- 1 i vw a w