4 iwontafio- alness oouncil tgourdstr pbrontbont suite206 attenda dcinfofihationseriunar have to be considered before a decision there hasto bejsome consideration for our employe mstevd of going 6cpurt f rismaderhesaid 5 geography- fantinosaid a however bucevenlf keabletjo find a viable j but theontario ryartyconporationsgt johftgieldoh a york regional they will have to pay thetab mployer should pay for the cssts courthousewolrkers tear v a8 1 t i v 4 l sit t ate a hardship for a few of us jeff shermahpfthe land registry officer tax grab vl l i toparkfor employees z andmenonefortliepublicatareason t he saidrs k s butljohn scarpelh ofwdodbridge hasalifferentviewiiontthink4is a lot to pay this lot has to be plowed in the winter and there are other costs 1 jr r- y noneb t fa j v vpromenadeshopping centre4 s9275hwy348 ry r bathurst gentrest hwy 48 16 j odenjrom oct v maxi 1455 mccowan ave j yiis wsji tojdrawjtygufattention 4o jhelollowing in ounciirferit alwaylow pncesvjiyerb page 14 l 6 12circular saw f a83420 jthis product does not include a case as stated in the flyer s i fc t b we wishtoclrawyourattentionto fage2 h 11simbas pnde the releasedate forithe sa e of this- n i i i j rrwk t rxqwc fte following jnourjcurrent 1998 fall winter lataldgue f page 6 replacement blades 2 copy reads 114995 v s should read 1499 each up in wmtv page 78 item 2 kitchen aid stand 3 mbfer43 306 j r i v copy reads- 28599 r 4 should read29899 v- wv this haircuttingkitdoesnot come withscissorsas illustrated v v dovr inos ua -7- trinu tnk d j this producthasbeen discontinued and pgeioleetlinltctater i- a- a vthis pfoduct this product isnotavailable no 1 rairichecks will be