fe1 m f fsfcsrvi 4 i jvtik scr 5 evenjhough halloween is a popular v cujtural event itsprecisedrigm k jh c5 unknown here aresome facts h j f surrounding the holidays legend- fhecelteelievedtonpct31thei- v jfecently dejfeasedjchosethe body of the z s- j person of animal they would inhabit for the j oext 12 months to frighten awaythe roving spints the celts dressed as demons hobgoblins and t j h switches t k u j t i rr 1 1 v s jbinthelsthcenturyoctsl wascho- jysen honour chnstian saints and martyrs this day wasaii hallows eve or all hallows j jeen which led tothenamehalloweenf i b jhe custom of going fromdoor to door pfortreats mago back to the pagannew years feast to persuade them to leave a horned ghosts were offered a table full of iborjmt the ejid of the feast homeowners anqtherjexplanationcomesfroma i u nmth century eu7dpeancustbmrcalled j- r soulmg pnall daycpstumed chil- v hrpn ualkprivillaffp ctrpptifhffpnntf tn fact candy tampering arid dangerous a r infiltrating jtnck-or- treat afterthfefl982iymiolt l were especially reluctant i go tnckortreaung v y ifptfjtajce the umejtofollo rfiinahdeafthe a ifyou aref f items orarejstill v a j throwtthem vi x-