so tr a i 7 fe7 7v v v cleaves health facilities 5c 1 1 by jennifer brown and usa queen staff writers i a fter months of waiting formoney c 7 m promised tocure york regionjs over- r flowing emergency h the promise fell flat jw v v itsajoke was one senior administra- torsfifst reaction y6uowedbyafrusrrated desperately neededdollarsjo help care for the lncreasingnumber of residents pour- v inginto emergency rooms around the regional f it was yet another example of the war york region hospitals have been fighting for years j how abattle for recognition that 24000 jnewresidehtswilfbe born or settle in the regiolieach year aridthat trie population will f i risefrorhjthe current 665000tol j million 7 bythyear2021ic w yorkmackehziempp frank klees pleads with hospitals and resideritstokeep thefaitht j o under construction families in x catch- a diagnostic imaging outpatient care facil- ment area thathospit is embarking on an pities such as emergency care and new inpa- with more than 150000 emergency room visits to york region hospitals in tne last year c administrators arestru enough front line slaff to i empty coffers have shifts afldlorigejwgt p hospital is lion expansion plan is in the wbrksto reno- v rthgovemment really needs to move to yovkcentralhospitals emergency room j vate the jigsaw puzzle of a building parts h mechanism that sensitivejlp wfiloretkan double in safer while the new s thrdevelopmlhtwmfeachltsmaturity of the hospitafdateback titlwftlqand bp d ot fays frank l6rigtermcare facility will push its budget to in seven yeirs andthe expected population 1954 for 2002 butwith only 17rnfflidn lussinp dresident ofyork central hosmtal in i ia h f n ij a onnna tt ii z j tr u 1 vliv 5 k v 4- 1 ir d ro bmuri j aw tu r auyo ur head a aaflm in rearend col isionstake one for atest sit today at your local saab ofthornhill 7 eii