fe7 mmrfsmmmlb as frs f2200gk3sb3 nr- ei it3v- vr- i hope liieres part b to this i hope an oceanvviuflow4jecau going to have to happen- jjv -isa- si yorkmadreiizie mppfrahktklees wasjunawarej of jvhkrwas being disked of thvhospi- tals whenlcontactl vletf byjthe tnbune but said he would anvestigate on their abhalf j t fi wrialhistov frank klees v r es v ydrkdidnt receive c v more cash- t wouldnt l want j thathe saidadding the system wont t- reward rriediocnty v burrrncertainlylpreparedto look mntothisjahd if- the bureaucracy has 1 reintroduced another stiimblmgblock jnto the process well look at thatjl will l take it up with theminister andthe pre mier who are concerned about red t tape j- v toronto hospitalsxeceivecl signifi- cantlympre money in tuesdays i announcements and garnere wonders if it wava case of he who yells the loud- estfbehindthe scenes cgets- the mbney f s i hesaid it seems ndiculous for hos- t pitalsifi7shrinlang communities to r receive more emergency care douars vwhen yorkregion is- bursting atdie jseams with new residents p i ffj l 7 vve could have donela lot of yelling inthe last month hesaid i just hope j- there are other avenues to apply for wore dollars v v butklees afgiies despite j york s b regions growth toronto hospitals are stillcoping with a larger population major restructuring of its hospital system our region lscertamly growing but it does- nt compare to- the population in toronto said klees adding emergency j room crunches arent a new phenome- snon and have been happening since ffthegsbsn jm t- klees he was unaware of how the6darshad saiafhe wasnts shocked when gleamed howmuclv york region recived fv k k w t 1 i u v jj saidklees m nothingjtocbmpare it a addingno other government rrgoverhmehtkastried 16706 additional dollars tohospi- wf the1re money will be providediout of the 225 jsmillioni for- long- term care beds andv hospital officials say that would provide i somerenei j 4i s x y if r a c rcs i on selected regular sale clearance fashions 4 rs and accessories for women men kids i t 1 r ladvertisingieorrection in ourfallrac insertjncluded inthisjiewspaper please note pageai 30 retreat lambskin gloves was incorrectly described cop should read 30off retreat deersfongloves- vi p we sincerely apologize to outvalued customers and regret any inconvenience or confusion this may have caused t f stores open early saturday at 830 am lvw t r eatons m t v i i