j x r i parlara coloroso markbam public libraries v sxxs i 1 bymike adler s staffwriterv y6rlcregiohsway toyhehr the mosti says it has figured out where that x helpismostneededi j herlocauunited way is hearing f alarm bells executivedirector wyn chivers said recently phenomenal v growth relatively low government- vfundingtcpmrared withitorontoft x and longer waiting listeauxjstrayn the regions social jx relofcejjr -s- v chiverssaid the united way of york f region afterajrwoyeastudy of local wcrkwyktel richmond hu1 itj tickets are15per persohin advance 20 atfloorjr- w fir tljl- wli ftlf- rn x v m t miss cnance t teacher a moman author an expert in the areas of parenting teachmg discipline and nonviolent conflict resoliftidnrrf i- x x j x t j proceedswlll help build thelibraryscdrom collections 5l t- i j x fts i s for further information on how we can deliver yourflyersif sf vs x call your local advertising sales representatvetvig 5 1 s f v supp6rtiiocal communitybuildingr x t she said l m 1 v thats why taewfundingpledgedfdr s j x i x x f 1 the chanty umbrella theexpected y 3000bpdifferencebetween 6 v miuiohcollected jastyearand this t j years 3 9 milhon campaign goal c will be concentrated m fourareas -f- v x jlhivers said j j f- tlie united way says these focus v v v areas will be commumtydevelop- x ment the prevention and treatment of j i v domestic violence improving access to x yt vv v -leirvicesfornewximmigrantsandpro- f j cgrams to support families and children tojgo ouf to die community fit v y inalyear6r twoandsay this is l n lmpacttbfyour cbhtfibutioh- jsaid v j j chivers ic- c of course she addedunited way agencies may still get a modest increase r 1 rix o die new money x- vjj j c v thisweektheqrganizationsjall i x f campaign reached the 15 mark around 38 per centof itsgoal lr w 5- 1 lev j lint the comma weeks well be bringing you stonesabout some of the united way s t vanous agencies and how they i- r r r serve the community a y- x n j i v ii in 1 1 if 1 1 imii 4 l i- i rti x x -v- r jxrt i j j i -x- t icv i v ix-xt- xc s v r j ssftsw ra-v- ts j- xl xx l tl x x mh i-foht- x xixxxslxj1 j x xx j r x x y v x i t x xx j r 4 x v x j x x 1 x- s r x x x x x a v x x x i 1 xrix v i- x v x vl x 1- x j 1 1 l x7 l ca tvi alaska 1999 no chargecall for free tickets tsxvxsittlxasam ikjnjta- v x j m44169698280 ix- blscounto flvsskrcrurseoursi 4- 4ki x l- iimfmwffiil lstlrloprry region -w- v 1 s