3jzj 510 v i- -7- r sh t- ji 1 drivebsjrequiredrcs rv fonfuu timeandtpart timehighwayworrl cvatfer transportation services inc 14091 humber station road 3 x vxx x x v x v v pobox 10 cri ix s iuues hiehbvolumelight manufacture mergcodenglishjskiiisrequired pleasefax presume t c smiths 7311455 v s xvv v- at choppers home healm areuoncaster weknow mar success comes from continually meeting and often exceeding 5f c rxxxt jx- klvril- l wj customer expectations insupporr otjnis commitment we jlw ii -tr- jj i require the following enthusiastic individual artuwf j 8 r w in store sales rep part time you will provide polite and efficient customer service answer phone calls and resolve complaints according to established guidelines v additionally you will be responsible for stock counts receiving5rders when necessary cash control and completing t sales related paperwork i i v x- x vurprovenretaircustqmererviceexperience is enhanced by- jexcellent clerical ana interpersonal skills you must be able to wof k weekend andevening shifts a health care background v would be a definite asset sai i jxv t a x m x c v shoppers rleasesendyour resume to otore manager shoppershome- health rcardoncaster 73 ipwoodbineaveumt 1 amarkham niariolsrila fa3c9054704478 equal opportunity employer r donc3stof home health care vl s 1 515 skilled technical help v ooifckdek ea beautifulpostbeamhomes growing gustomhome v company specializing jn rostbeamibuildingstis jookingvfordynamic and selfmotivatedqffptatio wood con- structronbackground andoriexpenence f junior ulllime quotationestimator applicants must jbe recentmrchitectural technologist graduates successujjqandjdates a positive atti tude and possess jarf eagerness 1ojeamandworktirrafast paced team environment training will be provided intermediate fulltime quotationestimator ajdpjicantsmustbe architectural technologist graduates withal 2years work expvnehce i in wood construction a definite rassetsuccessful candidates will positive attitude with leadershjpskillsandwill be trained topf ice projects bases ion conceptual drawings k company anaan vnllanmliaantaivmiat iirmlmt lhtmilaw m in eaxesumeto 9058413594 j f j wtvettiomavdpatelrson or emailtol draftinginterlogcom phoxoj0p0rtunity4 we have saij5sassistants posi- j x x tions available to handle a variety of duties including reception and admin- fsrationavcpicorr opefatingthe sears portrait studio located at markvillegeritre t x j 500 hwy7 at mccowan markham v t n to tke creative outgoi hgi ndi viduals v who join us we offer fullyjpaidmi- prehensive trainingexcellent advance rhentpotsiitialand commument tov x internal promotion customer x serviceretail expenence helpfulbiit f s not necessary toieam more apply- v in person to the sears por- trait studioat the above address on monday october 19 x 10 00am 1l 2 00pm 200pm 5 oopm s meimkn3miffs6kbiin bftmffli ii jminimunv expcnencc v- rai twxaenksfwf rinnjf x- a5s outstanding customer service skills xvco economist sun ixis alirwiamitjnfclafe 1a13- riclutiondshiuwmahufacturer lmeproducti6hworkejsgooa 430pnclkxamvleexc resume ffato cathy smith at 9057314455 s 5- x 1 portrait studio www epicorp comcareers 4 rf hk ar ywt child youth worker fey v relief positions part time residential i program serving youth 1 61 9 yearsr jocated in the markham area v program includes bunsehing a jermsof life skilljt and behaviour management- i qualifications xhild youth diploma baf orequivalentwith minimum 3 years residential ex- x f hx x j- v rf l j by october 26 1998 to r vxattfi george stamper- j program director- x905r4717949 ft j snowplwloader jx jj j3 j j fx r vx n w j x i e h9perators shovel crew leader st call 905882 i j tw- jtf x x- i driver t x a v must have clean abstract r afternoongpok4 ij must have expenence- 1 4 please call 9058873336 v and ask fdfspyros vx xi truck driver labqer d licenseclean r abstract required for a sheet metal contractor in gormley for ran appt call mike 9058889200 ocdcdcdcdcdcdcdcdoi careers at amerlckrt express markham location for a nonstop call centre office must v- have min 6 mths call centre experience have telemarketing expenence- be ablejo work all shifts 7am midnight monday to sunday have own car 7 excellent communicationskills wntten verbal alongwith strong customerservice skills keyboarding 30 wpm v long term fulltime positions only fax resurheto bev martino 9057374382 oliton m i yattention s getitot know arid fhelp your- com- munityvldoor to aoor canvassers needed c for registered chanties must be neat in appearance hourly rate plusbonus no sell ing involved team atmosphere klon ffi eveningsroom for advancement call john at a 18889538283 i x 525 office help vi i v 4i x x 4 emerson limiteda highly recog- rnizedrleaderintrtrhariufacturedistri sales of industrial products has an immediate a mt- v v v- v f x x n yle are jpokingfprracandidate withthe following attributes jtof helpoiirlcustoms lepartmeht give exceptionahcustomer service v data entry expenence a fastpaced office environment 1 f l concemfor accuracy and quality yourworlwill involve dataeritry of cusf orris infbr i slxa- emerson if 9999 highway c vmarkhamrontano fmos rax905 475f4630 j t t v warehouse x- i r xix x s help required keyboarding skills an asset pax- resume 9055138150 itioni5rost canadas vnews national news- paper requires adult earners for newspaper -delivery- to households between 7 monsatx vehicle a must call f8002687742 6r c local 416-383-2500- v renovation contractor requires 5 fulltime help must be experienced or willing to learn trade call wayne at 9056403 r snowplower x xkjvi t tv- rax t v contractor t needed earn i season guaran- tee 8000 must own 4x4 pick up truck with plow call shawn 9058899209 sx lfer gardenlmsket x food markets quality freshness since 1929 x r x l x iv mature responsible persons required for fjjlltime 151 t j v t jr ncashiersdeli bakery clerks s rat our markham road 16th avestore location r 1fx r j exceltentpay benefits i v immediate employment vftfe resumes accepiea r tel 90s47 90s 47r-0922r- effkchkalltbpiaa brtrwfailyilciaitjtfinbmtbigbecnctil sewingmachine r left t operator f ioealiporaky position medical distributor iit- l stoufifville requires an x experienced sewerpattern icutter to worlc in pur busy production department for r approximately a6 months candidates must tjccxpen enceel sjuoiu- lndustnal fsewinffscreef machines hours will be 8 ooiam to 4 00pm monday to friday own transportation needed- r- r please send resume or fax to 4 xgook canada inc a- w personneldcpartment v- 1 111sandiford dnve vn stouffvilleloniaxs 4 3 iffipkesewtative c natl cor telecorriequipment aritfiami positlon customer v updating- customervdatabaset1f sales leads and- dispatching x i i x- 4x x j telemarketers earn extra cash part time evening work markham location students or homemarkers welcomed italian an asset call lee 4167575717 f anewwotmatworioy x ir v adecca receivers shippers packers v forkuftdperators 4 v raymond reach man pn board yourstrong wonyethic ecellent cornmunka- tion skills vwd open this door tolexabroppohuj nrties in markham auto industry experience for some positions an assets steeltoed j boots requiredjapplyin person or fax your resume to sharon at w lvzfv fwair pillsbury towej- markham hwy 7 304 bewnd the radsson hoteo c ftel 905 773266 of 9054749555 i ernai nwmittnofxofrooocldccoxoni t r r mfi ft n f n i mni i it excellent wages snowplower brokers kmust havclas7 uipj- r rlowoperatprs c crewshovelers 4xr5 1 lx f j x rut f ifvxmtjtw dffrhscogh don mills t area v x senousapphcanteonly ail kym or nick from r t jlv- tiv tevh t f rj f x x 1 a li h i i p