u ypur newkitchen- 4k v in timef rghnstmask 172 bullogk dr unit18 v yeedye bread mjcf smell the texture jteir thetastesttie history i breadjstrulyajoy to mctke r fovho feeltheiwaywemo f 4c0me andexperience acebakery aivbooth157 bring thiscard andtenter our fi crt v a r0aersudiofskle mwm disgojjnt forthis weekend ordyr jsecondsjalso at ededpriclr moderatingthe soilitemperature v j 4 through winter is another benefit soil temperature is an important consider n v nation forvvour gardenirs ip j r y- v freeze and thaw cyclesincold f tveather carrcause spilto heavethese ii s vj rapid- changes in- temperatures can z i cause above nd below groundroot damaged fr r i mulckingctshkeinsulationittari keep soil cooler on warm days and warmeivon cold nightsthisdoes not jmean your soil wdl not freeze only that it will happen more slowly i the best time tomulchfyour plants is in the fall after plants are dor mant j to f keep mice andf mother n s rodents c a home in the t mulch wait untilthe weather hasjgov a cold enough to formaffozencrusn- on the ground bythis time micewill have already found ca wintefh6me somewhereelse r v y v toremovejmulchtfrom ground plants in the springrmulcrfin a egefablegardencanbetuledjnto priorx toplanting toaddbeneficial organic matter toyour garden r c v light mulches include peat moss buckwheat ihulls j grouhdji corned 6s j wood chips shredded barkpinenee iheavier mulchesfsuchas strawor j vhay vare removed like ablanketun the- spring wnen plants start growing f t v mojmbestxsourgeomocal w conomistsun 3alassifiedadyerrisementinjhe5 etheryouareinthg market i iscic n v