imy f utftfbf u3r1 v v 3tl fcl 5w sfsff free seminars by some of canadas top speakers nami bkrhbbbbi i v brian oostello investing in turbulent times 9brian costello does theimnossihle- hemakes financial nlannimi brian costeho does the impossible he makes financial planningfeasy to m- understand and fun to do people from all walks of life will be ahielto take a- v 5mui vtuuu unu iuueuuii wpiv nam uiiinging vi iii nmsuw unit something away from his seminars that ar but lone in a way n- jiunaijiuni gviiimuk mat uiv i am rtsi everyone nan relate to brian costello will he speaking on octf 25 at pm i- j v spinsoredbyehrtsllsf famsno investment mark gullen bulbs birtisianti burlap vi mark cullen s gardening message reaches over thref million canadians every 1 iisii s 2 g a week through gardening programs on the tv and radio as wall as in newspaper rtv t t j columns and best selling hooks the unionuille resident will he dlscnssing bulbs birds and burlap on oct 24 at 2 pm at themaifa i 75j4al v0umeb vollmeb for the love of colour 1 i hank and annette vollmer bring their experience in the interior de v- v how to have a successful career arid still be a good parent i poet and author nancygay rotstein knows a lot about the n poet balanced the commitments of a family with the pressur while still finding time to write botstein will be speaking on i ayt v v j v v ha- j m f v s jt f f 1 r s i -x- a j