u we tokhow yourfavouritesjromjthe 6 categories listed below simplyprint jourchoicesbeside as manyselectioris asydu wish tahd maildeliverorfax the entireentry formto usby october 30 j998 every entry will have a chance j6 markvilleshopping gentrethosewhoreceivethe most read all about thejvinners m ah upcoming issue of the markham economist ovsunstouffville tribune so go ahead make your choices and send your entry to us ir- iss3sffimemssngmmg6m8s8tffiffimgms88sgi golf store i 2 t golf store groceristorej i hardware store i accounting firm ffs 7- beautyproducts v ahtffsaiftau a itr v4y hggftfffifaja stor a- t body shopjll tr hobby storemir brew vdur owribeerwine homeelectronicsjstoreli2li i 1 caribbean restaurant chlheserestaurantj family restaurant l fast food fine dining business school v carpet carpetflfjo carwashl home improvement centre r j v carpet cleane a i carpetflbofing fitn car wash sfv v i car dealership x j w lv jtkitchenbath store jcatftringcnmpahy i ii lighting centr 4 oinaenestoreii children tutorial ediicationji continuing adult education- rv- lingerie stor french restaurant greek restaurant indian restaurantli cnntranth local shoppingcentre vmattrstnr a t men sstor v-5- ve dance studio italian restaurant i japanese restaurant seafood restaurant sports ba i tfixme day carecentre2iilii 1 drycleaner motorcycle shnf j fitnessclubj gasstationl musical instrument store new cardealershi office fisrhiturelil 1 r restaurant vegetananli vietriamesel riiffe hair salonbarber shop heating air conditioning hntpl l- off icesuprliesstore optical stor paint stor pet store restaurant atmosphere outdoor patin pasta r stea 11 hot tubspa company insurance company investment company laridscaper v picture framing record storeji regional shopping centre shoestore lawn sprvine e manicurepedicurevfacial jl martial artsjclub sporting goods stor f sneeialtv gracervstore salad bar pizza v modelling schdol specialty grocerystore stripmalj tirestoreltllj chicken jvingsli brijnfih r lunch r submarine delij moving7storage muffterjshopli oillube changej pest control- 1 -1- toy stor itraveagency2n r vtt alr r used cardealership 1 r v pet grnnme wallpaper store wnmftnfi stn othe fias u cup of coffeel desser baker hotdog hamburger doughnuts photography studio j pnnlcnmpan ita 1 pool supplies v r- 1 print shop tfft j- c privatemontessori school v f- j chiropractor vjayj v dentistil5lillli- ragpls cnrktailsv cocktjils butche otkerlmil fi isecurity seryic v nv 3b5s8tosr j e f rt i taxi senl f transmission i w i- optician optometrist l weight cosvciiriic othe vsv -r- massage therapist y r v i o pharmacis j r-ayj- yy -y- v v physiotherapis ft s v irjinlc txfer y- qtcvi refleyolbaist a r j s agency tz opharmacist f viv artgalleryl j k x reflexologist specialisll 0theroll j jt billiardspool hall v w antiqyierrtnr trs8ir s x 7kvv ringnhall y f -y- v bowling ldl appllanisfithrpt j hzl i aijtb parts aj v v childrens entertainmen n rptlriingstkr ri v a- p driving range v- -j- 1- t shn fl 7-2- o i irf cnmediiclii v f v rnnkstnre t- svti u golf coureejlllljfi v v t i tj w j v n liyeentertainment movie theatr movie rental miisenm j nightclub pll kls j 1 camera sfibp -t- 1 campingequipment cellular phone centre 2itl6 3 easy steps to enter 1 print your choice beside as many selections as you wish 2 fill out your name and address below 3 drop off mail or fax the entire form to the markham economist sun by october 30 1 998 v- je t r i ivrii childrens shoe store clearance centre- computer store sz t t sports bar otheri sct l convenience storei craft stor f jj ii c r 1 department stores discountstbrelll ix m i bl fdbmevtlccardealetshlplr v k accnimtan wgjrviafeiaitls driigstor j- banetetlef j rsb jyy p gsy v tjjft- electrbhicstore2ilidlilill ttr f t t fvsvst 1 i vjaifsalesnesn tffttr fefcgjk3 y4i f fahrirfr t- z- 2 v r tvri rraavyv store ji g financial planne g -ff- rky jt- ic tj jhalrctshstrarhe 5a vaftsfey3 4- florlstl f trfi tvnbv egommisrsunstouffmetrirjiffie name address f t x j 7 postal coderi v5v r 1 i -4t- 1 phone po readers choice markkameconbrhist sun photographer wfayteravaitresv lg tsfjx i vv -r-x- furniture gardening r g r j t v-v- v sis- w v 4 i ti s v j ia ivh