fajproiislecfo can continue to provide nigh-quali- s vwthjalrapidlygrowing population a illiincluderegionalssocialservices f health f andoucemcials from york j i wealthier and better educated -r- fe- but that profile is changing v sw r- o h m a vw t v tufe suchasrpads and sewer 1 j l pipesover the iiext 20years 3f 3 v 1 that singlefamily 1 gnomes will have to give wayto more varied housing types accommodate a grdwingpppulation of seniors sin- f r gleparentfamiliesi adults choosing riot have- children and unrelated adults living in the same household h blmk is attracting more immigrants t ivrt inl996 36jpercent ofjthe pppula- 1 r tion was made up of residentswho had epiborn outsidejof canada twenty- fourderjcentfwereivisible minorities xrcand themother tongue of 33percent was neither engush nor french i pieregipnwillhaveto spend at ileast2 piflionpn infrastructuresuck v as roadsand sewer pipes over the next j- v sr 7 salute york asa great areato raisechil- xdrenandaprospefousregion in which to live i tvpv j fi a e it in ontario have 22 students 1 vv f it 3v v rv l i fe phone todati kxifrie 18006670429 or in toronto 416 6010429 amcspecial ienefits insurance services ftenjxm r fi j r r t v r v k a v t