t v v -i-yrgj- -v- j vrt iv vy- y- 4 l t t vck 660 of thanks r t z t f cattdnlrene- afterjb tiw v a ong ess autw 645 11675 60 businesss opportunities j qrt rooms for rent 1- wanted s v 1- v v r 1 tf v unionvillemilliken soccer club registration itnaayoctfggsczroosod prrvt tuesday 30167998700 900 pmv j jy mis vlxcy v r the milhken mills soccer dome r kennedjri14th v a i s v 5 sweish to tkank everyone who atteifdedand thserhdsent wises fbr650tksjviedding r thanksybufor themanygood wishes- cards and gifts t l st l4jspeatliailks ixtbur clnlcf ren r aria theirvfamihes forrtneir ith m 1 jonto hospjtalonisat- urdajr september- 26 y 1998 ui yeart wife bftfie latepercy tcattonand su6yd huesoiv- beloved motherbf patnciaand loyceloving grand imotherof stevenand irtem and greatgrand vfthotherkof robert- deacsisterj ofxgren- villestinson fnends will be received acthe dixongarland funeral homeviees mainf street northhwy 48 maiwiam on exclusively aerobics it y 1c steplow impadtone mondayiwednesday fnday w kt ty latehamhallslwffville bt for registration call mdrisaconofccerjr v 2i s- t 1 1 a 4- part lnmalongitca speaalday for us vv t i maurice lois hoover tuesday 24and79 service in the chapelri wednesday vat 1 lam interment tipine hills cemetery v h jf 4 3- ji r 5t k eyrepaulrdouglas peacefully v athome e 680 coming events 5noticetof readers tisementy4-re- queslintw moneytbel sent ymay wishto investigate- tfte company jand the offer r-tjiefpub- ibhsrpcan not as- sumesf-respon- ability fov- tthe 3alidity3f-thef- fenng advertised withmf the rclassi- tied pages operate stouffv1lle profvsl klawivmaintenaricexand fessionafhome fotteedexciusiveer- cludesv cleaning lady i5 xntory call c s35090 9p544frcfl fflnnffi jbiaihni dener 9057639343 170 wj1 apts flats for rent i accommodation iii j-s- amount albertrve1yy 16th kennedy j furrf large 1 tedroomjup fished room sepa- jper jappliancesratekitcheninbeau- ssgsutilitieslclstaltifurihome nosmokv lasecall 4732475 inqpets p available ka markham ar f partway a arealargejgn one bedroom jbase4j iv anient aptf ooplus raymerviule f icalljane cottenllf largefumished jbedtt wft s pharmacy hunt7 s invite you to anic vh iui honour of jheir z i parkview village auditonum t 12184 ninth ldnef stoufiville business personals room r in beautiful 7 home yr- nonsmoker v s m pwiamiwaut riuin i- pets a aaingwpod one beddate s450rrst3 w- a i jbicvclev and wayne carollandirw ji ttfeutni mirhishcarttonj 5rt articles olu for sale 675 ann i lcome v v business ncighboiirj newjresidents inewmothers tk v oypo family sffriends 9 v i jiii t w i fc vt 4 691 business personals si iilll ii newbusiness t datesunday20ct4a998 location marithamtlrlv 1 r i tickets700attriecloorf mlvoomadvakce hportteketsprmfocalkv april tindal18885445683 vthfwedding show fortevery bride vsss jix lr j rectedito civictibusiness- sxinformahon affinvitations n6kl u 685 personals er0i1c mmk action unes xx taik ille to kkk ladips f secnefly l1stim sn 9j j recorded fantosies nnmimf trim 9764225 isaif check kiflhmk focus f on flowers esyfaroblnsns9057l readinghigbs