8i 1 i economist sun stouffville rthettoiimaiherit of champibns champions ismaking ajoraeback f an event thathad attracted world- l after a 10year hiatus the event starts class attention diedlo years ago today and runs through sunday that event hadeenhostedby the itsbeeii pf love said a former eglrntonequestrian centre rshow mariagermacjmcquakejrwho c on davis drivewestof hwy48iri r along with chairperson eddie greed v cedar valley but the centre was first proposed reviving the event forced to close six years ago crushed a year ago a i 4 staff photoroe photorob awry v is tkm t york catholic viii- rnnlii i w te w talks board- and thteackers association brpke off tuesday night classes cfor bbth elementary andv secondary school studentscontiriue tobefcaifctefle regular bust i v giousrshows onlflie hunter jumper tournament isgearehonlytothe circuit yfe want jqbnngthatback equestnanset there are events for riders from ontarioiquebecand horsedog speedrelay the boulevard uppctnewy6rk staewillcornpetei j of champions trade fair ahd craft including top canadiahtxshpw r ltlcdbrialds petting zpodres- s jumpers beth underhill eric lahiaze sagbauetnfiorseback aridthe arid ian millarwhd has just returned parade of hourfds tvm- j fromliissuccessful european tour vonaturday mghtojcgariizers are l f it hefeels thereis something newtobfe brought forth- f- s t iv the3oar4 the education relations comrnission erg to expressitslohcefh witrf the unique circumstaifces that e3dst4nithe the loss olinstructionaltime vt ta 5ye ajrel currently tworkingon f plans to make- up forlbst ministry 5 lhyloirt4iofaolx7 thqhotrfoitiinrrtik q according to suzarihephiliptiyolt maricesandthegrandpnxchallenee- unteers have devpted countless admission today and tomorrow is c hoursto launchjhg mvnewoumaafreeroh saturdayanh suay4dmis- vj merit ifs beerixso worihe per persbnf including weekend entertainfvtent lineup at fathers 0 h by johnsihewart s l a i h ii 1 ababusmapm mbarttmt3ativatlht7t- demonstration l wf