sales help in search of the best m bradson staffing services a leader in the recruitment of i sntre professionals our willovrdale office specializes placement of call centre staff for amex canada inc and immediate openings for ut- rt k unilinguaobilingualfrengt utboundtcauf centra srsalesrerresentativesi sf tto qualify for one of these exciting positions located in markham on warden ae north of steeles avet you ii need x outbound call centre experienced fc-iv- f outbound call centre experience 2 a minimum typing speed of 30 wpmv t fluency in french and english and experience in l selling banking related products such as insurance- etsjfe orcredit cardsare definite assets jxs 5 if thisjsounds like you make a hi rewarding career move today by j v issi v iv ii h express t forwarding jour resume to isabellas 3 kuzmanovski via fax or e mail at vssmmhmrf assejfouarejearnplaiynhobnngs awell orgahizedtresurtsiriented approachjioiyoiir workaths ea long term ass wnmenfifui jan eslablishedrgrowing organization 1113hour ivsaccounts payable usjng your practical wexpenence preferably in an accounts payaweenvuonhriencyou have s exceland word would be an asset you are a team player who bnngsa well orgahizedrresultse oriented approach to yourworkvthisisalong term assignment inas established j growing ra s payroll- administtors i you have yeafsexpehence working with jdpaylinkpayflexadpor any other k computerized jtankpayrolifsystemypuare j i prnfortable dealingjvrlh 5p0 plus v payroll and havelfdvcedvpreadsheet skills on- excelor lotusj exposure toreconaliations benefits and processing of associated deductions andjjequestsareessential you have supenor time management skilsand work best jn a high pressurerdeitdline drivertenvironmerit sl zzowi- if kklw i v it- if tsfv 4 rf s participation house markham lcbntinuum6toualiiycaretb meet theinholistic needs accounting assistant c 3sjlb- f rlanningorganizingandexecuting all accounting r u please be advised that only those persons selected for an r kvi interview will be contacted thankvou 4 v j creditcollections our clientequires a creoit professional who has 2 plusyears acttminarrfniinimumlyeaf credit expenericejyoii will establish andmonrtor credit risk by iccbunt release customer orders in compliance with company policy ncl procedures expenence- possess strong communication and presentation abilrtiesand arecomfortable dealing wrth senior level management completion of af university orc6llege program enrollment infthe fci orcga and proficientabilrties on ms works and excel are required this isa longterrfij assignment withi- strong permanent 1s17hour y z i 2 f jg s140ronge street suite 1500 rt tanorth yorkrontano v email north yorkaccountemps com candidatesalready registered are currently tideal candidate wilhhave background texpenencesin f salesmarketing administration be hignlyorganized witha demonstratedabihtytomanage multiplertasks and organize information andfilesyas should jae skilled in awidervanety of 3 software with advanced word processing spreadsheet and presentation abihtiesthis position will necessitate a proven ability tojlevelop and foster contacts with our retailicustometybasemn a supportsrole excellentcoral and written communication skillsftheabihty to workin a team environment together withja working knowledge orexposuretojcomputerplanograrrmprogramming cs ftfe va mil few applicablecandidatesonlyfwill be contacted for interviews resumes t accepted- until closeof business on monday yur j fewcmbef2lyl998 m f c jvs l tf- 525 5 office p fap helpilpvjq 1 fafnilycivillitigationl m hospital medical dental legaisecretary7 tassistantl ml v905709869l55r dimethaidcresearch sine ii405demson st jvtmhaihtl3r calls plcasl t visiting nursing s rtfmed staffyscontinuingjto7expenencejg ffrapid grow hinouftvist ing programtf iwi jcm mm aiir n 5ti cwejequire ftr ns tojom our progressive scompassionate rn awith2yrs f recent workv v pleaseax yourresume to t v beyievun 416 9683652 v4 n- ft si a v v interview will be contacted thank you fi h 525 s lj vvjil yyirib administrativl ifssistant 1 x icustomerservicebep clerical supfortfl i xj 1 quality control droofreadi expenenceinsiproof readings bilinguafeengfr anigasset iexcellentwcommunications skills iideal withvtranslatora 530 manage general mailing quality control department ihj 5 905 8865434 ellenfjxommunicatibnskillsfe ahighenergy levelsandprovenf ij- isniftsstartimmediatelyiexperienceini long term facilitypreferred shaxjesume 540 hotel restaurant 1tw1j v hospital medical dental sales help agents telemarketers i for semipar registration r c 9055138589 ext21 530 manufacturing company stee esavoodbmeareass caljl90s94elllqfef ffihrimw m wmmmgmm jvvairamvaitjresseslt