1 v -7- rir l by jennifer brown zt jjextend the school daytbut boards wohf consider e itsaiaspaiksr v- v t fzino tails havebren schmahd publichjgtfr and what bothers teachers most istheimpresb jvf i rschooiteacrtereareg s i series6frbtatingstrikes the next setfor efit their crmctennotadentwill spend any i monday ortuesday ivmoretirhejnmeclasssdjsparks x jfiy s bqari negotiation spokesper tii- a w- said yesterdaythatthings were byjenniferbrown staffwrrrer 1 i 5 vsbut- elementary fc harold vigoda saidjthe bpards between fhe union and the board laskevt mediator kevin burketf union aboutjtalks tf fc trusteesweretoaskformoremoneytheprpvince-j- tiem teachers began their first day of rotational- would be raising questions about r levels board officials say it was t y strike action monday with many teachers across the region setting up tables to do colirse planning ifwe do that theyll sayok give us your plan j l t to l yourpending back w 1 line etarj ltod j-j- j jji ltcomply the minister is going to say j j v lv 7 evoucoinsrtoet their salaries inline j required to instruct 65 classes every day instead e said lofskoutpfelghtlaseyaudlastyeatj theyre taking 2f minutesf cur tirne r iis takmgback our preparation jtimeex jbillsparks head of me history department aurora high school and school branch j vofmesecondaryeachers union a30yearvetefaii teacher sparks said the issue s fimding allocation x 4 isnt justthexrequirement they teach 1250 min you want to stand up arid scream and holler r utes perweekor four hours and 10 hnoc rf antnriicti thafc tksiaw nf th fiut that theyneed theextratime mark assignments for the additional -dents- -fi- n 7 weve offeredtb extend the soiuui uayyugui wt- fbjva across the province teachers have offered to we ve done is in the best interest of the students susuu regarditias more a- realize there is no more room to move i long as ifs in there theycould change staffing levels that include 120 minutes i altanddoanmgmeywwtedtoit prep tirjwoujdallpwthe board to 3rf 3air auto cassettel15bpkdjdlus more ff nofreightyustitaxeslicence insurance v6 auto air bedliner cassette more mmsw ft v y was 20710 j ic-r- v t7 zsc wplusfreight insurancevy z j j tunismeslfipm u5ib50fi dinners from t 550 chiiidreis atfoi3 j dj i21 kjfflljsj salad or soup i vi twith every entree onleredr c dine in only with this coupon i erireiptqber ustls 4 economist 5- c tribune classified cadgthat4 jfc- wbmgnfiali wtomgm s j j rl