18007433353 stoufiville 2 storfmtemond v j 905 2941538 f g thursday saturday wednesday noon noon alible on the internets eda-aswl- irsszrssl visit our web site contact a sales iepresentauve hhnunluiunrkrufnfrni v tor ninner information me fndaynoovi j- httprfwwwyorkregioncoiir i can not assume responsibility for the validity of i j- please checkyouradvertisementon the first dayofjpubhcationf toiensureacuracy ts offenng advertised within the classified pages egistratiqn t w st tenders ll 7- ongoing registration t wo7lwdekumonklathft6inmarkham- lndmdualizedselfleamingat70permonth mastery of basic arid advanced math skills ifeatured in tmt wsaiaigffor its outstanding results cafor conic byioifa highwayteast- markham kumolv 4158666 rmtreadingcennie 16th avenue mccowan learning how to learn 9460929 c vr- attention boys girls rjftheawana cluvhasstarced ate markham btblechapel an amazing pfogfaihijfsportsstones t learrunebibleversesjij f t tuesdaysi- 615 pm 745 pm the cost isw 00- shirt and book v for more information please call- s 9058879355 h 45 deaths j 60 1 je annousrsements gp lowest orjany tenderer any paricof am tender nqt necessarily dccepk 1a fed the town reserves the riqht to awdra tootherihan the lowest bidder v- purchasing depdrtment9p5 4754877 ue t at w v- is vt j- i fc- x j a 615 mw a 0iljao excellence j rm eq33 excellence f- web sitewwwcity markham ohca 4 y 24 hour informatidrrlinv9051 57500 businesss opportunities donnelly frank exhibitors wanted fora peacefully in his steep at fall home improvement st michaels hospital show home products tuesday september 15 ahd f services leads 1998 frank donnelly be- sates 9056422422 q iloved husband of the lateijiisf wiiralreddoriheby father ihomebased business 4 7h apts flats i u torrent patncia and sarahgreat 24 ho x gaiofelherofkyovvraand v- biyce jsuivrvedby hen oirate your own lawn ttrother jjssiwisil sf ireland frank was a long removal franchise s1400 time employee of sj w a inc rsteelcase canada and a wsp l ter iormer- residentof rffl pickenng and markham 905-763-9343- tf v jl usbb cariot maitfst t sssi stbuffvilleforsdpluscan i funeral home 28 old iitr ts kngston p a main s streetj markham brandt new j one bedroom apart ment ahnevir white appliances central r vaclde jignekjjgrade cap pet laundry facili- ties- pnvate eri trancei- parking nopetsnon smoking alt utili ties jjincluded s750k cair2942356l r pmthursday i funeral mmiihi piiii cleanbnghtrrnodern seiyice in the chapel on l j wj3msq3 building close fc alh ol cemeterylnheuof beuroom 2nd jtiodr s ffowetstdonations to the separate entrance good tganbhjnnipibbb m alzheimer parking 825 monttt13 cttrhjbjffih ihil canadian cancer society f ufalrties 905t6408571 t m ljm would pe appre ciated by the family- j houses for rent mccowan steeles 2 mccowan v hwy 7 i j- 4t u t h8aser- eilert anddebbrah proud to announcewith lovcthe arrival of dawsoflfeilert lbs 15 02 on auia89vatl28pshvi c thriuftrettime grandparents are lizt garyifraserranageof ge joycecreanuncletim uncle rob taunt kirsten welcome you 5 great grandmothers are helen t saridl dorothy caterer specialt thanks to- dr arnold hall the nursesat msh 600 tenders i r i k4 f sedledbidsclearly marked asto contents forjhe contract listed j i belowjwillbe receivedby jheclerksdepartment atthe town of 1 v markham civic centre ft j descrirtion a s closing datev tovvnhouses for rent yf jt twesendounloveoukthou 5yqurjfamily nealsuc johnfcollecn jettvmatthew avd christina z 24 houn infofmotisnline 905 5aurora x renovated townnouses family complex closelo amenities lschosls r health availableroct1st- l 5- t t 4712937 4164473522 s5i- v monday september14v sr uihwrr 1998m her354thyear 1 mccowan i-yim- 7- efati beloved wife of chuck deer bnghtjcleah 2 bedroom ibjki motherofdougandhiswife upperbouse garage kimikoof tokyotanya extras nosmokingpets steve and his a wife rs 905mb4f6675rfi r dear nanny of t courtney deardaughterbf brimleyf denison kathleen andthe late new 2bedroom spacious 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