1 2 14tffsuhdavaftef pentecost- tiwrth nurseryprovided yf 4wjnesaay7septemberndj 1000 afrhseniors service and tea fis evefyowelwelcomelf s y ie senior and resident of parkview g j has already signed up4a5s- rzr f s want to remamas dependent as possible this clinic at theclrnic semorsiuleamwhyheigh1soffurruuir sespgbia low said bkeefe for this pltoblmlraiiaisftd firm hj xfoam pads to the seat or use sturdy bed blocks under the legs bfthvsfabytht mmmi x if 4fof coursethe nurses will talk about thedangers of scatter vs r nrhir imiichniili yiouai ofijm fen- nv fc ithe maikaavhitaoverohe third are due to slip pgloritnppmgfpnthejleversunace parkviewvillage is c a located atjl2184 ninth ijunethtclrnic is freexlf seniors are t 4 ur- stouffwlle rrj af kennedy rdj sts2 a s b baptist church i senior pastor associate pasfof v assoaate pastor 8875651 3- bob remming student ministnes v vc bill thornton t brian g simcoe f isk tb fr music co ordinator xj heather thornton viatationchildrens vv v c v ministnes coordinator r- sharon russell gelebrating150 years obministry sbloomingtqn ligospefcchurchf 7r3- pomh of 47 hionwiy formerly bloormngton rd vfe8 pastor dr john howarth f j sundayrseptsethqs 945 ajnvsunday school g -f- communion serviced vs vr i100amrcommunion the best lfetssance poficy colosans 1 1323 5 tfevty mwia varjvygkp fr vivianbaptist church ill dahwyvl8tvivian rd f pastsrrobert okumife 5 rfordnforarttfedoctrihofce 706 pmf eving ssfr 03v jivj j 1 4 i -5- ra y- -jtrf- jxu o i sundaysc1ptember 6thu998 worshm service f sunday schqol resumes 945 1 stouffville bapnstchurch v 6273mainstreetfe pastor revgorfjoh bicklejjfl assf pastor j sundayseptember 6th 1998 i vg 00 amtbible 3 w 11 00 a m morning worship jvednesday2 pm bible study prayer toguideybur childerenomthe wideman menn0ntte church il0530 hviy- northtof majrmueralphsr64a6219 intermpastor henry regehv r- if lemonvihe community eentre 2reast side of mccowan road i jvfrt 2iu ztmlhlj jl 3 kms north of stoufiviheroad 8nktt r il j sundays 70pwwednsday5 800 m flnfonu call 905 881 9921 x -ess- csik a r j 4 tjrh a 1 t r r 1- a j v x- tiv v t if lilt jrfnsfjlvc ve a major catalogue vr f company has discontinued brass and glass oval coffee table round end table a iajor canadian blseout v haoaf thehedular ket ail prices oh clothes aidliw 1 rbeautifuiwoodenable i with scalloped edges s clothes ft have given merchandise to liquidate name brand u ll air chisel set four ts xp two padded armchairs t wmeimnitiml 18882540 01dzehrs4banffrd now loeiiiious across noilli america open to the public monfri10am9pm sat 9 am 530 pm sun 11 am5pm rtv w