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incrnding garden tools pull down v staircase carpenters tool boxs jw mote two auctioneers selling at the sime fgsjigggseptemberisales day seplat babanbaecomrctr js ssmssour annual antique cob5fljte auctioh 1 hsept 12 on site for sgsto it farmtequesfrian antiques fumitur8ct h tga arid household girt saaft- and household including largejsel machmeiy trie farm of georgg irwin 6reenbank sept 26 back at bahantrae for another 2 r5rawesoise estate sale featuring antiques css w collactibles household and good misc sitz on site or at the hall we come fully equipped a- v and computerized wrts thmostuptondates- methods visa rnvcinterac accepted at all sales- r honest caring and courteous service we book your auction sale 1 i daycare cassstaht startfseptembermust rj experiencedftsfcs- 3 jfjhnstiarf paregiyer ja7 needed irmonthxold irrgyour bk iuvepjtsenglish i st speakirignannytisfor i jf lightvhousekeeping t i requiredfor3minimum5 f fnday saturaaysun- i 1 905558 lrj a matyrereliable lessay 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