council arid ha-workinglvolun- scheme miniridanffifter73 teers kudos forthe overall visiortof extensive knowledgeof gardenings aung thebeautiful streetscaperesx the towns transforrnatiorigoes to sheknew whichtplants wouldidents and visitorsfcnjoy today and vt- resident loretta lavell ii thnve in specific locations jiuj xu i vartavid with a keen as rt happened- the timing streejhe frpjit ofjhetown lforaryjlvi trielionsgazebo aridttiftrain stav i ampngthe manyimproyef mhtmstigajtylawfaieir removal of tbe plasersje- frornmain street tesfeflibtsjfc parking iotand civic tsquarejs prearranging existing seatingareas ti tqjencourage people to socialize or- rv 5 1si fc r rev robert nightingale tv sunday august23rd 1998 930 am worshipservice x summepprogram for children v everyone welcome kjl jtfminqrhpckeyjassociatipn theangliean js parish of4f v 4christchurh august23rdg998 everyonewelcome iiftf t frr y sv wideman mennonitehurchf sl1530h48norlhlfmajormackeispho64m219t iv4 interm pastor hemvregerrs suhday august 23 fl 998 1030amirheigift of sevice jt a welcome t im fevilm senior pastor 4ue boo hemming s flfi ki assoctepatroyrrbuthomn 5j mmistnes cocinatoritsharon 1 stqufeville bartistighurgh sst pattorsgordonicsdf macks i fe mbaignstkghcjrehl smonlhwym8at4viviadg jkrijs pastorjrobfertcokuni iiuiuiag forth thedoctnnesxtt grace atfzyt 45 a mii sunday schoojliis i100tefmofntwa r 00 fee