3h p rt- jfcj t rsuresuffragettesfsecviredpthenght for f fwomen to vote more than 80 years ago and j wpmeriburnedltheirjbrasand marched fori j ingmedicalschooljaczek encountereddm sexist professorsg who tnedtto push the female students out of the programwags j abutjaczekmotherofl8yearpldftii natasha andl6year nickj doesnt credit a feminism lsxleadshe said it appears to have smovedjtothebackbumesbecauseifchas beengenerauyacceptedbymainstream much w w w pasfrwere not really seeing the kind of overtr- almost militantsfeminism aye vejseen urthe herself a feminist r rjmandswomenshquld jrmpiotgoingftou jt jjsthmff- s of si v s r r j v 2v ie 0 wm