a 22 best of markkam thursday july 231998 w r r v h rftir wji ib v i is introducing our queensbndge at the queesrpaklim fsfc 1 err- a3 stop jc -i- r t spto r- vsl ic3yer100paeeernsof ireadtqihng 176 mairitf uiiionviue karen arid linda came on board and slowly s- put jup7 corhejn a varietyof designefstyles staftedto add more home decorating items and colours and are inexpensive j 5 to the extensive kneup now the two have and queens pantry has one of the largest taken over the busiriesstcompletely and have selection in torbrita s made some addition changes aat so far- piieens fntry lias bncanyingthecur- f linda and rarenrecently purchased the for detailslcall queens pantry at 4774745 i nira mill on the 19th in mafkharh r orvisit tkem at i76 main st unibnville almiramill j it s as tif ekall stxms i5iiidiiyillie askalmost anyone about uriidnyilles t have bvetlioooproducts arid we i firehall spbrtsand theyjwill probably tell carry justabbuteverything related to our it pc you that irsthe greatest little ski shop mail j speciality sports in the summer firehall t c if the land r it- i f specializesirigblf cafrymgeveiydiuig that for manears firekall sports kasbeengoes with the sgort wcluding clbthirig clubs earning the reputation of beingorie bf the 4 and mbre also sell feline skates skated c g x best sports stores in the province while spe- boardsand jtennis equipmentthey offer a xializingmskus andsnovdards7staatmetehmseri1 winter- the summer business is growing j v y uriionville for details call 4 ic pin ppiine mnk cau47a0442 w when you go to the pineapple inrr you u date private parties from 12 to 30 guests c x j know you are going to get fabulous fobd v pineapple inn also caters corporate and gc using the freshestingredients and a staff who community events chefwilliam pierce who knows that service is key t j c v has been trained iri well a as ingredients said allahbellwho i weare very busy vyith housepartie jownvthis m weddings i personally take care of each cusj v one of the oldest building miuruorivillevmetbniersaridiwe coordinate evwydetaitof tke f pineapple inn consists of four dmtagrobmsljevenisa myi r and a garden patio that overlooks me ihepirieapplelimre toric main street each room can acconrunofslnumqnviuefbr details call 940 m