i sssyovx local library t ais fun and enjoyable for children s ssandtoiencourageaplove otthessr psfemanyjphildren havebenefitm encsufoge tfieloveofadinaf the bbrary has organized a simi iggetting your child involved is t simpledrop intothe bbrary on hsweekday morningsorctuesdayt- lscandthursday eveningsryou canv f tfidenufya reading i gmlirratatssefei sislyou can have thebuddy read f i a story tcyour child or have the f- notice ofthpassingtofjadevelormentichabges s municipalrtyof yorknot later than2k30 pmnjhe of augusti 998a notocesrf appeal settng out the objection tothe bylaw and the reasons supporting the jpbjections an explanation jpf thedevelopment charges imposed and a description of thglandsjowhich thelbyjawappliesms jsetputbelowthe compietebylaw is available for inspection in the development charges are thepnmary funding source forfinancing jregionalwowtrprelated capitabexpendituresftransportationwaterxsewervandigenerahservicesjipevelopment 1 i cy regional water supply and sanitary sewensupplyservices sskak resideimaipevelopmentharghb tresidentaldevelopmentchargesimposedpursuanttobylanolde9877jshallbethe i amni ints annlinflhte at thfi riate of naumpnt as set out in thp followinn srhpriiilotwsisfefjf regionwide charae generalservicess 3ft owfc r sub4otal uniformcharae ss water and l freight riv 5 yr100000 km j r powertrain warranty jrj 3 yr60cx0 km 24 hourvi t roadside assistance i iy- pf ogram vsaca the new hyundajgjjc driving is believing 1 ma ivf f j av hwy 7 jkltrim si subtotal uqiform charge total developmentchargem csingle msemi- etachedg p30644 s723 3sa7ks 52s5 imultiplem unit mim tiffim mwm ggggss i w276f gbae 4 i i fe nonresidentiaidevelormentchargesb nonesiderrtafdevelopmentrchargesimppsed pursue itheamountgappliclettfiedate 4 sli 5829highway7east leasing plansfom hyundaf credit canada dealer may selllease for iesiltaitel umemerwithddheiy tyjufy 3if t998 based otnewfl998 acctnt l3 door nmdebitieaba86ncsi00oa secur1def0ipdslritalfeal thesepeclaliease a 14yuimsrp tyws mmmmm gascheduletif nonresidential development charges persquarefootoffa1t sorjtotal reglorpwdeefiargem sewer subrtotal uniform chan fa total development cf 3 industrialoffice lnsttutional6 lo541 fjswjfiiwtiggjyi 0l92i io notes sfattics jpanaduafervtonstruct lntetahsaawps accordance wttnetactana thebyawcertain ormfmveloprnentarexerrmtfrom yhepayment of regional devatontchargessssppg sthl i p a t msm