3 twirilif iifii ms econqmistisuntribuneweknd york home to more than 60000 drug addicts reporeslhow from page 8 of toronto doctors peter garber and mark greenberg of torontos york steeles clinical associates began to offer it at a methadone clin ic they operate the oak ridges centre is only the second clin ic in canada known to offer the procedure its a procedure daiter says he dismissed when he first heard about it three years ago thinking it was just something clinics south of the border were doing to make money in the united states the price can range from 7000 to 10000 j some patients have even abused the process by first cleansing the body through rapid detoxification a drug users system is ripe for the ultimate high which would resemble their first encounter with drugs someone could potentially misuse the pro gram to get opiate naive to have that first hit arid really get off said dr david teplin a clinical psychologist at the oak ridges clinic but when patients started asking for rapid detoxification the doctors decided to conduct more research and with an estimated 60000 opiate addicts in the gta a figure reported to be underestimat ed by 50 per cent the physicians at the oak ridges clinic say the demand for such a treatment program does exist nine months after their research began the doctors were ready to launch a program with strict rules for admission in fact the most likely candidate for rapid detoxification isnt your garden variety heroine addict teplin says the patients with a high chance for success are people like derek relatively stable individuals who have become addicted to pain killers and other opiates clients must go through numerous psychologi cal and physical tests before being approved for the procedure and aftercare includes regular twiceweekly supervised urine testing weekly individual or group counselling sessions and reg ular medical followup and while the cost may seem prohibitive at 4500 varenbut says it is a barrier that prompts addicts to really ask themselves whether they are ready to get clean if they have to sell their motorcy cle or borrow from their parents or set a certain amount aside each month it means theyre serious he said future candidates may come from the oak ridges addiction centres methadone clinic where 250 patients currently receive treat ment those dabbling in more than one substance are less likely to find sal vation through rapid detoxification if we get rid of the opiate they will just go back to hitting the coke said teplin pointing out that 20 to 40 per cent of clients in the methadone clinic also use cocaine methadone allows people to lead productive lives but they are never free of it there are no ups and downs of withdrawal and they are not totally fixed on where they will get their next hit a patient may be able to slowly detoxify using methadone for one to two years but going cold turkey off something such as hero ine is considered almost inhumane rapid detox offers a good alternative to the person who cant commit time to methadone said daiter its really four hours and three days rapid detox is for someone who can say i know i have a problem and i dont want anyone to know about it experts in the field are divided on the virtues of rapid detoxification the addiction research foundation says it doesnt support programs like the one at oak ridges because it hasnt been proven effective overtime and while the procedure knocks the opiate out of the system it doesnt do anything for the crav ing of the drug i still have a lot of work to do derek admits id like to think this will all be gone in the next 12 months but i may also face this for the rest of my life m m 0 0 c cv c c o 3d how to dance with confidence latin and social dance in 4 nights youll begin to enjoy dancing at weddings barbat mitzvahs parties svedbas or business functions avoid business discussions at the dance ony 24 people singles or couples 60 pp register now starts monday july 6 at 8 pm or 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