srmwt ijobassaeaaoisassbbbs tv v v r wiibfchsfouyfyjila fi6 ir repair specialist 172 bullock drive unit 31 markham 4718660 saturday april 25 1998 vol 14 no 17 weekender 52 pages 50 gstincl 40wlundpubucmioih town and country realty ltd 6400888 up close and personal bids adieu joan ransberry staff reporter york region police constable wayne snooks letsjorchard park students feel his shiny bald head after a stu dent shaved off his hair for the cops for cancer program snooks a cancer survivor himself is a champi- on of the cause phota by steve somerville to ion cause town treasurer ed blackburn is releasing a 32year grip on the towns purse strings blackburn 55 con firmed friday that he is retiring on oct 30 while looking forward to spending more time with his wife jayne and grown daughters cindy and jennifer as well as devoting more time to golf fishing and the cot tage blackburn can look back on his long career with much pride the man has given whitchurchstouffville sound financial manage ment i tried to recommend policies that have allowed us to buy our capital items once instead of twice said blackburn in whitchurchstouffville hav ing capital spending come from reserves has been the rule and not the exception this is because of blackburn meanwhile the town treasurer has been a stickler for long term plan ning it paid since black burn kept the wol f away from the door the people of whitchurch- stouffville ben efitted year after year in the past three please see page 3 blackburn kate gilderdale correspondent losing his hair to support a cure for cancer is no big deal to constable wayne snooks the affable police officer who is well respected in the commu nity for his work with students in locaj schools has already experi enced hair loss not once but twice when he was undergoing chemotherapy for cancer on april 16 he visited orchard park public school to launch cops for cancer a fundraising campaign which was started in 1994 in edmonton in return for pledges from people in the com munity snooks had his head shaved by an orchard park stu dent thursday at 9 am the original campaign started after sergeant gary goulet met a 5yearold boy lyle who had lost his hair during treatments for cancer because lyle had endured end less taunts from his peers goulet whose head was already shaved decided to step in and help by inviting the youngster to be photographed with him in his cruiser he was joined by several other officers who also had their heads shaved in support of the venture and the idea for the cam- please see page 3 b a rajft one of batemans beautiful lodgers donated- by the artist in support of the yqrkdurham her- itage railway and the uxbridge celebration of the arts sta fullsize framed limited edi- tionpnntnumberfiven-asenes- jnidooillr m if 1 mrs mi ml ml if ms i j mi i i y last on 1198 protig automatic air conditiong cd player 14 wheels ftft ilj- also mos only 500 down freight pde admin air tax gas tax metallic paint at no extra cost kovac e financing available no limit 48 months 2941 21 0 35g 5396 highway 7 getlnbemoved ulllmilesj jhw7atuidlaw taxes 1st month and seoirityextra 36 irnonths 20000 kmyear w