jlfizijsi vvai j i ci sx vekende5aturdayfebftuarv 281 996 p3 dino babies students at mother goose academy at the springvalc baptist church in stouffville gather in front of their dinosaur cave which they have worked on for the past week from left are carley berry karter mccoy alyssa thornton christopher licb jonathan wiseman mackenzie stover shavonne nice laura simpson emma guast carson trempe andrew cory allison stewart marcel cenic michael bourgeois and jor- dyn rowntree j photo by sjoerd witteveen makeover planned for main street joan ransberry staff reporter the move to spruce up whitchurchstouffville continues on march 3 at 7 pm business owners members of local council and town staff will meet at the stouffville train station ontuesday at 7 pm to continue with the plan to not only make the entrances to the town more appeal ing but to revitalize stouffvilles downtown eliminating eye sores getting rid the tired look and in the process putting some oomph into main street from hwy 48 to the 10th line is all part of the agenda in the past month a committee visited 53 business owners to encourage them to join the beauti- fication plan which includes plant ing trees flowers and shrubs business owners were also asked to consider new lights appealing signs awnings fencing some painting and lots of spit and polish if we want business to come we have to make it happen stressed local mayor wayne emmerson yesterday wednesday york region added its blessings to whitchurchstouffvilles sec ondary plan paving the way for the big pipe to come to town the big pipe should be here within two years said emmerson once its in place its expected to trigger development in stouffville we need to getready said emmerson existing business owners are being reminded of both the indi vidual and community benefits of adopting a prideinproperty philosophy not only does it enhance property value it attracts business last month local council autho rized 10000 as seed money for the revitalization plan north rd ownership disputed from page 1 while everyone agrees major road repairs are overdue the hitch is ownership about 60 years ago in an agree ment with the road owner and the homeowners it was agreed that the municipality would not assume this road as it was for summer use only property owners were simply given a deeded right of way over the developers land and paid 1 a year towards maintenance as a result no standards were imposed upon these rights of ways said leigh life on north road changed in the 60s one family fought with the town for the right to live here all year round they won once this trend was started oth ers followed a new association was set up and homeowners were directed to pay 325 a year each for road maintenance this is on top of regular taxes said leigh board hopes to del iver more computers to st mark unlike twothirds of the regions catholic elementary schools stouffvilles st mark hasnt yet shared in an ambitious program to furnisr its younger students with new computers j but the district catholic school board plans to have its founda- tion package in all jts 62 elementary schools this year if its budget permits associate director jack crorrin said recently between 1995 and 1997 42 district schools gbtthe package leigh also pointed out that no one living in the north road area gets a tax break because it isnt townowned as the roads deteriorated becoming more and more inacces sible residents started to refuse to pay their fees said leigh this made matters worse there were less funds available for mainte nance but these nonpayers still use the roads in turn causing more wear and tear this has caused feuds in the neighbourhood neighbours have taken others to court liens have been placed on residents houses to further complicate the situa tion dobrich said it is now unclear as to who who owns north road the land ownerdeveloper went bankrupt it may be in the hand of the bank that has to be deter mined said dobrich leigh is confident that the town will explore options were look ing for some emergency help on the short term street scene this is the view of main st looking east just west of hwy 48 council is inviting residents to suggest ways to spruce up the heart of whitchurchstouffville photo by sjoerd witteveen jail time not long enough say parents of dead teen from page 1 not enough said jennifer cook darlenes mother the crown attorney is appealing the sentence we were expecting more in the line of 1 8 months in jail this sentence blew me away said cook hes responsible for my daughters death in november iafrate pleaded guilty to criminal negligence causing death he was the driver in the single vehicle accident that took place on the ninth line in august 96 the grade 1 1 stouffville district sec ondary school student was the lone passenger in the car joan ransberry 0ktlttat markville l 1 4072 hwy 7 4707044 markham wwwtordcduttmirvlh e mail address markyille8c0mpuservecom canadas 1 1ndstarvillager dealer 1993 brand new 1998 lincoln knavigator wcluoes skio plates rear ac cd changer sso watt sound system rear buckets much more best price or 2 yr plan 57388 798w stk7wl j brand new 1998 lincoln town car signature jnoudes leather moon roof jbl sound 00 chancer heated seats cohventohal spare i more best price or 3 ya plan st 47788 768av brand best price 26988 dstar kumxa wobfteompf tumuukbs seccwkm kcmvbicwi jbkioibktt or 2 va pun eacsountwm 185io inmuckmimiokwtm notmtxsarini muksuhuimntiwr best price 20999 mum 89m and new 1998 villager gs swemsapka ouads aluminium wheels ttonehanduks suspension 4 more stk ftmit best price 0r2yrplan 26888 209i or new 1997 villager 71 a pko sttc f69t bestpricef21 19fw brand new 1 998 explorer sport 4x4 klujowwpreimh sport kg auto tuicrube nupksiwheasstbmbsiiorestxnit bestprke or2yrplan 30777 239 mmiisaimdmiaiuimaiaioarainiriixsiiimsi 313886r2yrplan 289ma brand new 1998 ford escort 4 dr lsedanse wcluoes power mjwor sspeed ac dual ab bags 1 more stk imttc best price or 2 yr plan with 13j88smoodown 79jmo cjr 126m0 s1000down 168m0 0 down 21 5m0 tswix3s spdmixfrteattbaatomftrtfrlinylfrtaiese ttjrftr mtm m n 1