ms weekender saturday february 28 1 998 m 3 aurora opp staff sergeant brad dunbar right arid pc gus merina visited the- markham stouf- fville hospital pediatrics ward tuesday bearing gifts a tv vcr 12 disney tapes and sl900 proceeds from the detach ments yearly char ity golf tournament held last june ton sillectomy patient brandon doolittle 5 enjoys 101 dal matians photo by sjoerd witteveen get in be moved up to 48 months freight pdi admin taxes extra or equivalent value 5396 highway 7 credit of 1 500 24995 includes 1 500 credit offers cannot be combined healthy lifestyles uusk shattering glass is every womans story women will identify themselves in this hardtoputdown novel usa cartwright features i was upset when shat tering glass the first novel from canadian poet nancygay rotstein was r finished i couldnt believe the author of threebooks of poetry would leave me hanging without knowing the fate of her three very believable characters as i put down the book i hoped that if she was planning a sequel it wouldnt take as long in the making as the first one rotstein thought it would take her sixmonths to write a novel about three women and their attempts at balancing their home life with their working life the project ended up taking seven- years to complete as the author extensively researched every street she mentioned every city she talked about arid every situation she described shattering glass tells the life stories of three dif ferent women judy who goes back to law school after her husband tricks her into taking an unfair divorce settlement that- leaves her living in pover ty dede a housewife who is bringing up two boys while dealing with a workaholic husband and barbara a closet writer who breaks into the big time despite her abusive husbands anger shattering glass is every womans story today who is working and having a family said rot stein its about finding a successful balance between a career and family- cant write a novel without a reason rotstein said there needs to be a reason for a novel to be written shat tering glass was written to help women identify themselves so they can find the balance and stop the cycle of guilt guilt that the author understands like judy rotstein returned to law school when her three children were growing up she also juggled the commitments of her fami ly with those of the many boards she sat on and each experience in her life was used to make the characters in shatter ing glass seem real while not always in complete agreement of the choices judy barbara and dede made you can understand why each did it the characters are so believable that you could feel their pain when something hor rible happened and feel a sense of accomplish ment when they succeeded on one level the book is a page turner on the other level the char acters are deal ing with things we all encounter we can recognize ourselves with in each charac ter rotstein said both the charac ters and the situations in the novel had to be unmistakable realistic or people wouldnt be able to see themselves or understand the pat tern of guilt that working mothers face rotstein was recently at chapters in markham improve your natural vision nonsurgically in days weeks i discover orthok drv h h walji od msc fios j optometrist including orthokeratology welcome to your total eyecare place for eye ex4ajs orthok contact lenses and eyeglasses ashgrove medical centre 6633 highway 7 at ninth line markham 905 4713937 back pain the simple pleasures of laughter eating even kissing can be uneasy experiences for those who are missing teeth dental implants offer a durable solution with beautiful results dr david bernhard is highly experienced and trained in the diagnosis and placement of dental implants enjoy life again call today for a free consultation to find out how dental implants can keep you from missing out wb ntleaf gate v- j- v afjt r i a research study evaluating an investigational drug for the relief of sudden attack of low back pain with duration no longer than 72 hours if you are between the ages of 1870 and are how suffering from a sudden attack of low back pain with an onset history of no longer than 72 hours you may be eligible to participate in this study for more information please contact study coordinator 9054718938 markham family physicians 3f wttmm mm kbk