5th annual otomiia modk wothana healthy lifestyles n j j r r v 8 iba irk 01 8 f vi y jfcl i listening to the bodys signals is the key to health so many forms of stress threaten your balance colds and flu pollu tion and chemicals school work babies bills a mortgage and you must adapt to them all good health is the ability to chiropractic dr pam manning dc doctor of chiropractic tel 9052942904 253 church street markham ontario l3p 2m6 directly across from the markliamstoufrville hospital otteeth the simple pleasures of laughter eating even kissing can be uneasy experiences for those who are missing- teeth dental implants offer a durable solution with beautiful results dr david bernhard is highly experienced and trained in the diagnosis and placement of dental implants enjoy life again call today for a free consultation to find out how dental implants can keep you from missing out j dr joseph telch is pleased to announce that dr joanne mcdonald has joined his general paediatric practice and will be accepting new patients evening appointments are available the bridle post plaza 209548 carlton road unionville ont l3r 0c6 telephone 905 4777560 s or david bernhard lfi vv iijpipfantmaeneral dentistry 1 mintleaf gate s newly renovated full fitness facility with the latest equipment includes personal starter program 1 oneonone training available 1 no hidden fees plus large selection of herbal wellness products toning tanning weight loss available 6601 main st stouffville 64001 78 maintain bal ance between physical chemi cal and emo tional stresses thankfully you usually adapt to lifes stresses because many mecha nisms are built into you for that purpose your body has the internal ability an inner wisdom to mon itor and balance your health symptoms such as fevers headaches fatigue sneez ing lower back pain are- not bad but rather signals that your body is strug gling to regain balance in todays society we think of health in terms of our symptoms if we do not have any ail ments or aches and pains we consider our selves healthy and those with pain are consid ered unhealthy yet this is the furthest thing from the truth consider those who feel get ready for spring break lose 10 lb in 30 days membership includes nutritional behavioural counsellin blood pressure analysis vitamin supplements regular body mass measurements personal counsellors medically screened maikham the department of family practice ilil the department of internal medicine xjsegcen weight loss wellness of cana were with you every step of the way naturally 0 day mem presents 4352122 wiafcv 6665050 pickering 4204220 male menopause female menopause adam eve anticipating the golden years m thursday february 5th 7 pm 8 pm lri- markham stouffville hospital auditorium vivf j admission parking free i compliments of merck frosstorganon canada dr b brooks informal entertaining drs mclaren featuring dr stephen mclaren chief department of family practice and dr bruce brooks endocrinologist chief department of medicine sponsored by markham stouffville hasplta a cdncct v good one day and are diagnosed with a serious health condition the next from this you have probably realized that health is much more than- how you feel with this perspective symptoms shoufd be addressed seriously these messages are your body communi cating with you signaling its need for attention it is difficult to ascertain health as this quality is often not tangible like other everyday experiences we manage in fact if our car oil light comes on we know that we should have the problem- addressed otherwise our predicament will get progres sively worse and eventually the engine will seize we observe signals such as these and address the source of our health ailments we most commonly search for methods to put out the signals and ignore them until the engine seizes your nervous system controls and communicates within the body to organize and balance all other systems and functions into a healthy adapting living being true health or adaptation can only emerge when your nervous system can communicate without interference a complete break in this com munication link results in complete loss of function a partial break results in a general deterioration of health or disease of which then you gfp are less likely to be able to cope with lifes stresses vertebra misalignments are a common condition that stresses your spine and nervous system and interferes with the proper flow of information through your body causing a state of disease if this interference remains ulti mately symptoms will develop such as headaches fatigue and muscle tension there are many avenues to con trol symptoms however the cause or source of nervous interference is to be managed chiropractic care aims to resolve the nervous interference by main taining proper joint mechanics of the spine to ensure that nerve func tion is optimal this article submitted by back in shape chiropractic improve your natural vision nonsurgical in days weeks discover orthok dr h h walji od msc fios optometrist including orthokeratology welcome to your total eyecare place for eye exams orthok contact lenses and eyeglasses ashgrovc medical centre 6633 highway 7 at ninth line markham 905 47 1 3937 department of family practico merck frosst osteoporosis strikes 1 in 4 women over 50 years old vji- osteoporosis f societ vfv of canada call 1800463g842 for more information