p tvfw j i i i- j i f jjf a v v v v t t treadmills i from vol 110 no 6 l jruli thursday january 22 1998 uni 20 pages 50 gst ind i should b free sub with the purchase i of any sub of equal or greater price i and a medium soft i drink limit one coupon i per family visit expires feb28to 1998 1 amiajn susroufmlej owes farewe kate gilderdale correspondent last fall harry bowes stepped down after more than 22 years as school trustee for whjtchurchstouffville and last night he was hon oured for more than two decades of service to the com munity dedicated energetic and accessible bowes seemed to possess a miraculous ability to be everywhere at once attend ing school concerts gradua tions and parent council meet- ings with astonishing regulari ty he was also quick to address parents concerns and his com mitment to his job never wavered in 1974 he was a member of a parent group called watching educational bureaucracy which sided with the teachers against the trustees in a lengthy teachers strike that group was instrumental in replacing many trustees including the local representa tive when the latter had to move out of town bowes was elected to the position during his tenure as the boards longest- serving trustee he also served as chairman of the board for six terms he sponsored a student award and was a familiar face at vari ety shows and musical presen tations at local schools he was among 1 2 trustees honoured at a board meeting in december and received a standing ovation from those in attendance board chair bill crothers said bowes brought both a sense of public duty and good humour to his role as trustee adding that strong leadership skills and compassion were evident throughout his six terms as chairman all of us have been privi leged to learn from you and work with you he told bowes education director bill hoga rth noted that bowes brought a sense of fairness to the board along with an incredible knowl edge of its history and said that his departure would leave a void the region added hoga rth was losing a fine ambas sador for the board and for the kids big stretch bruce lacharice of the stouffville district secondary schools junior boys basketball team goes up and around the out stretched arm of father m mcgivney catholic academys gary peazer for a shot at the basket in a game played at sdss on tuesday sdss lost the game 8359 piwu by sjored witteveen sparks shoot out of hydro pole longtime trustee harry bowes is congratulated by town mayor wayne emmerson with a plaque during a farewell bash tuesday night in bowes honour phntb byl0r emmers0n joan ransberry staff reporter motorist travelling along main street west tuesday evening thought they were being treated to a mini fire works display it also attracted the whitchurchstouffville fire department the problem was arcing said deputy fire chief murray emmersbri fire sparks were shooting out of the hydro pole near the coffee tyme dohiit shop whitchurchstouffville hydro was alerted the local fire department remained on standby while the probj lem was fixed it would have been a dangerous situ ation had the wires burned and dropped stressed em merson precautions have to be taken he added hondas new years w8 civic coupedx per month 48 months revolution 1998 civic sedan lk low emission vehicle lev 4 wheel independent double wishbone suspension 6040 fold down rear seatback dual aiibags srs 5 speed manual trans amfm stereo with 4 speakers power steering power brakes 1 4 wheels with 8 spoke covers north markhamh on ia honda built without compromise m 4611 hwy 7 unionville 4 7 7 245 x dual airbags 5 speed manual trans amfm stereo with 4 speakers tilt steering power steering power brakes 14 wheel covers 6040 fold down rear seatback lights on warning chime tinted glass dual manual remote operated mirrors low emission vehicle lev based on new 1998 civic sedan lx civic coupe- 208 per month for 48 mths downpayment or equivalent trade of 1825 required plus 1st mo payment sec dep frt pdi incl taxes lie ins extra oac option to purchase at lease end zero downpayment plan also available see us for details fi i w a