su the tribune tuesday september 2 1997 p5 saluting our volunteer fire fighters uxbridge xjljljjlj jl sept 57 1997 chedule 500 pm 700 pm friday september 5 1997 gates open buildingsmidway open tractor pull featuring antique stock prostock and modified classes saturday september 6 1997 1000 am buildingsmidway open 1030 am walk in parade main gate 1100 am sheep show 1130 am 4h dairy show 1200 pm forget me nots stage 100 pm youth horse showbarnyard rodeo pet show 4h dairy calf club cloggers stage 200 pm entertainers stage 230 pm cloggers stage 300 pm forget me nots stage 530 pm garry hooper show 730 pm demolition derby demonstration feature funeral hearse class 900 pm buildings close sunday september 7 1997 930 am morganamerican saddlebred horse show 945 am heavy horse show 1000 am buildings open 1100 am midway opens show and shine car show 1200 pm beef show forget me nots stage 100 pm baby show morganamerican saddlebred horse show puppets stage 130 pm four dads stage 200 pm nidd suzziki fiddlers stage 230 pm horse pull puppets stage 300 pm k9 thunder fly ball team dog show blue grass connection stage 400 pm forget me nots stage 430 pm puppets stage 500 pm buildings close continuous entertainment saturday 1200 600 pm and sunday 1200 500 pm there will be milking and sheep shearing demonstrations kids world face painting puffy the clown cloggers barnyard pals scavenger hunt ugliest bug contest and much more throughout the weekend check newspapers for times for more information please call 905 8527745 during week of the fair or 905 8527647 adults 500 or 1500 weekend passes children 200 12 years and under preschoolers free parking 100 per car tsxtmi uxbridge fall fair contests tet show saturday september 6 registration 1230 pm contest 1 pm open to boys girls 14 yrs and under only classes 1 best costume any pet 6 any theme 7 2 best trained any pet 8 3 dogs loudest bark 9 4 dogs longest tail 10 5 rabbits longest ears trophies by uxbridge district lions club most unusual pet cats fluffiest cats largest paws dog largest nose cats largest nose sat sept 6 fek j 4 scarecrow contest sponsored by bell canada open to all ages why not make it a family project each scarecrow admits one adult free 3 categories traditional halloween character theme of fain fire fighters all entries must be at the fall office grey block building elgin park by 12 noon sat sept 6 judging 1 pm for more information contact marlene pollard 8527647 apple pie baking contest sponsored by siloam orchards prizes 2500200015001000500 8 or 9 double crust apple pie bring entry to fair office by saturday 1200 noon for judging at 1230 pm all pies become property of the uxbridge fair board and will be auctioned off by silent bidding thoughout the day in the homecraft building funds raised go to the uxbridge food bank winners will be notified by phone after 500 pm saturday each pie admits one adult free eachcategors childrens walkin parade 1030 am childrens contests 200 330 pm shoe toss peanut shelling bubblegum blowing etc win midway ride tickets for best decorated in oich category theme saluting our volunteer fire fighters 1 decorated bicycle 2 decorated tricycle 3 decorated childs wagon 4 decorated doll carriage 5 adult costume 6 child costume ugliest bug saturday september 6 approx 330 pm bring in your ugliest bug in a container must be living if possible provide the correct name and give your bug a name everyone will meet at the main st gate the parade starts at 1030 am and participants will walk up through the centre of the park to the main ring sunday sept 7 chippfftheolpblgck look alikecontest rules approx 3 pan 1 no preregistration lafter baby show 2 open to 2 persons who look alike from two different generations of the same family example father son grandmother granddaughter for more information contact fair office week of the fair scavenger hunt report to information booth between 1 pm 230 pm tigfttigftts friday september 5 tractor pull 700 pm uxbridge fair grounds elgin park cotpa track officials classes vintage noncircuit 6500 stock local 9500 10500 12500 prostock 5700 6700 modified tractors 6000 v contact norm james 9058523800 s saturday september 6 demolition derby 700 pm adults 500 children z00 12 yrs under preschoolers free parking 100 no passes allowed after 5 pm on saturday except weekend passes a