p frthe tribune thursday june19ivl 997 su whitchurchstouffville strawberry festival help help help volunteers needed the whitchurchstouffville festival committee is looking for volunteers to help man a strawberry festival booth at the stbuffville country market on saturday june 21 and sunday june 22 volunteers adults or teens are also needed during strawberry festival for the following threeonthree basketball family scavenger hunt kids checker game kids sidewalk chalk and many other activities all help will be greatly appreciated for more information please call peter 9056406527 ext 26 barb 905-642- 4227 or 6405493 dave 905649445j come and join us in the festive parade on saturday june 28th bring your group ie scouts guides sports team or come alone everyone is welcome dress is optional bring your banners and rags parade will assemble at main and orchard park at 915 am please call the committee in advance if possible the judging for the strawberry jams and pies will take place on friday evening june 27th at the silver jubilee club entries must be delivered between 400 pm 645 pm on friday the pies and jams will be auctioned on saturday june 28th at 330 pm on the main street stage for more information please call glady 9056401941 town of -i- whitchurch stouffville claremonts multiuse facility opens an official ceremony will be held on saturday june 21 starting at 1230 pm to mark the opening of the new community facility in claremont everyone is welcome to attend the new multifunctional facility replaces the existing library fire hall seniors centre and community hall the 26 million project located in the hamlet of claremont was com pleted under the canadaontario infrastructure works program with each partner federal provincial and municipal contributing one third of the total costs this project is an excellent invest ment for the future and will provide a valuable service to the community we are pleased the program was able to help fund the new community facil- v summer day camp programme whitchurch stouffville parks and recreation department presents our 1997 summer day camp programme starting on june 30th our prices are hard to beat boredom buster ages 912 99week days of discovery ages 59 78week both are full day programmes busing and extended day included campers can be dropped off as early as 730 am and picked up as late as 600 pm register at the recreation complex 12483 9th line or call 905 6406527 thi bis mowers tni best warranty model 10227 lawn boy making it easier 475 hp 2cycie commercial grade engine 14gauge steel deck staggered wheel design for closer trimming and easier handling 2year full noworry warranty if anything goes wrong for 2 years under normal use well fix it free leaf shredder side and rearbag optional model 20449 uxbridge small engines ltd toro when you want it done right exclusive recycler technology processes clippings faster handles more grass without slowing a beautiful lawn without bagging 50 hp toro gts engine guaranteed to start on 1st or 2nd pull for 2 years or we fix it free lightweight steel deck 2 year total coverage warranty 905 8525884 douglas road uxbridge ity in claremont said mpp janet ecker it gives me great pleasure to know that funding from the canadaontario infrastructure works program was put to good use in pickering for the bene fit of both residents and visitors the construction of the facility alone cre ated an estimated 790 personweeks of shortterm employment and will result in increased business opportu nities in this area said mp dan mcteague this multi purpose facility contin ues the tradition of first class commu nity facilities for pickering residents the infrastructure program provided a unique opportunity to consolidate community needs including fire ser vices library seniors and communi ty meeting spaces under one roof this has proven to be an extremely cost effective manner to meet a diverse set of needs said claremont pickering mayor wayne arthurs the centre is one of the first multi purpose facilities of its kind in cana da it replaces five outdated buildings the fire hall library seniors build ing park pavilion and old community centre this structure is- an excellent example of what can be accomplished when residents and the three levels of government work together the clare mont community centre is truly a dream come true for the residents of north pickering said resident kurrie storey canadaontario infrastructure works is a 21 billion sharedcost program designed to create jobs through local priority projects cana da ontario and local partners are each contritfiiting onethird of the program funding the program enables municipali ties school boards colleges and uni versities to improve a wide range of infrastructures such as roads bridges water systems libraries police sta tions fire halls recreational facili ties classrooms lecture halls labora tories and student accommodation by improving infrastructure throughout the province the program has increased competitiveness and created a positive economic climate which has attracted new business and investment to communities in ontario the program which is expected to create 40000 direct and indirect jobs is a positive example of the federal provincial and local lev els of government working coopera tively to foster economic develop ment and growth theatres of uxbridge now showing the lost world anaconda r opening friday june 20 con air r buddy pg romy and michelej high school reunion aa starting saturday cartoons cartoons 3tfcket dont forget to dressup for our hot summer nights contest for our special screening of grease mon june 30 700 pmshow cdlflwroxyhotiirw for shovvtirnes 85hoxy 7699 kwssi