h p16 trbuneapril 231997 st fllhever too jty taxes instead ot worry ing about making costty mistakes i take my return to hr block its not only hasslefree its practically foolproof because at hr block they guarantee their work in writing hr i the right thing to do 20 freel lane stouffville behind go station 6422927 under new management 65 brock st uxbridge 8527409 kusatz sharpley chartered accountants income tax returns other accounting tax services all year discount for seniors 1 0 on basic returns 6188 main street 6401991 80 of canadians arent happy with their financial affairs are you one of them if you include yourself in this group you need to speak to ron gerry ca today at the financial planning group let us help you get out of this picture helping you realize your financial goals sooner for a free financial consultation or second opinion on your portfolio ron gerry ba ca the financial planning group 37 sandiford drive suite 204 stouffville 905 6428371 mutual fund dealer the height of excellence financial planning group inc business small financial losses can add up the time to take chances they say is when youre young because youve got 20 or 30 years to make up for any losses you may suffer true as far as it goes but losses even relative ly small ones can have considerable conse quences during a 25year period a 25yearold who loses 3000 on penny mining stocks can cer tainly come up with another 3000 in a year or two but what about the 3000 that was lost had it been invested in an equitybased mutual fund that 3000 earning 11 per cent a year would be worth 40756 in 25 years if the fund returns 13 per cent a year the 3000 would grow to 63692 and at 15 per cent a staggering 98757 so if youre spend ing 10 to 20 a week on lottery tickets know precisely what its costing you especially if youre buy ing them year after year its also something to think about the next time youre wondering how to start an investing pro gram or build a nest egg its as easy as buying a lottery ticket income tax returns personal business efile reasonable rates personal professional service allan w eagar cma seniors discount 640- 1 499 on april 26 ken prentice brings ross dixon to whitchurchstouffville the grand opening of our newest location happens april 26 now you can choose from a range of investment products from companies such as bpi odonnel trimark templeton and spectrum receive honest objective advice from community minded professionals meet ross dixon and hear first hand ross secret to financial success ken prentice owner manager saturday april 26 1997 11 am 5 pm ribbon cutting at 2 pm refreshments door prizes all welcome financial services the best choice is here thelma creighton branch administrator 18 ringwood dr stouffville phone 905 6429507 gicvmutual fundsmortgageslife disability ins risk managemenflndividual pension consultation