tribune october 16 1996 p13 stokffwlle 6402874 fax8524355 vxbndge 8529741 fak 8524355 we accept for your convenience registration s mariners markham district baseball association 1997 early registration saturday october 19th 900 am 400 pm centennial mount joy arenas ggggggg social announcements 655 in memonams 615 garry carol and big sister miranda are pleased to announce the birth of their second daughter alyssa reanne born on september 281996 weighing 9 lbs 1 oz proud grandparents are mildred oliver of napanee and roy and evelyn howard of peterborough 640 anniversaries happy 50 anniversary bernice gord bince on friday october 18 1996 congratulations from gord and katliy glen and marie dianne and ray and all the grandchildren mcneil dan in memory of my brother who left us so suddenly october 1 8 1 992 its hard to believe that four years have passed i think of you everyday and wish that you were here i know that you are always with me keep shining brightly i love you and miss you cindy mcneil dan nov 2 1972 oct 18 1992 some people come into our lives and quickly go they stay for just a while and leave footprints in our hearts then we are never the same this dan was you we love you and miss you keep that star shining for us love mum dad xxx ada coming oou events giant craft show sale saturday oc tober 26 at trinity hall 20 first ave ux- bridge 10 am to 3 pm sponsored by pineridge chorus sweet adelines skating dresses skirt tights 40 off until oct 30 every saturday highway 1 2 north east on durham 13 north sideroad 17- 12700 sunderland 7053571545 685 p alcoholics anon ymous masonic hall tuesday at 800 pm 85266188529127 evanly rays po lice use us rated 1 solutions on career relationships health love s299min 181- 9004514055 social announcements 675 announcements 690 birthdays open house 25th wedding anniversary keith edith lewis saturday october 19th 1996 200400 pm stouffville missionary church 6500 main street best wishes only k m business personals office aid compu terized bookkeeping and secretarial services for small businesses reasonable hourly rates blanche 9052948088 investment properties golf course for sale beautiful 18 hole ar chitecturally designed rolling golf course with three rivers old trees serving the public cambridge hamilton area fun and profits call 1 -705- 6528919 on october 20 jodies having a birthday hope its purrfeet the gang at the trib if you see mick little dork mcculloughhaddock on october 21 wish him luck being 1 love gramma carole big dork mom brian kristal mulder uncles john garth curtis announcements donald i kimura barrister and solicitor wishes to announce the closing of his law office effective september 30 1996 all clients wills and powers of attorney are with the law office of still thomson mcgee heather mcgee 9054721072 all clients will be contacted directly within the next two weeks j motivated mechanics yvvvxyvvvvvvx j i ken nicolson formerly of 7 main pefro can markham is pleased to announce motivated mechanics have tools will travel call anytime very reasonable rates fully licensed mechanic 10 yrs experience business 905 4717944 mobile 4164516861 sgoccococoooocooc 1 1 prenatal classes in uxbridge 6 weeks 2 hoursweek new sessions regularly call prenatal parenting services uxbridge janet oquinn rn 905 8524480 just moved phone stouffville 905 6403521 uxbridge 905 8524665 f our hostess gifts and information are the key to your new community spiritual metaphysical psychic counselling life path reading heather hill gibson free intro thurs oct 17 native teachings f 7pm wednesdays 10 am 1 hr reading 12 hr price valid thursday with his l shamanism monicas yoga open class 201 above new age 9052949136 ek dfl 680 coming events uxbridge community care harvest bazaar craft sale saturday october 26th 10 am at the uxbridge seniors centre 75 marietta street uxbridge homebaking crafts knitting penny draw lunch room and much more hot beef dinner at trinity united church 20 first ave uxbridge friday october 25 1996 500 630 pm advance tickets only adultsteens 10 children 612 6 5 under free call 8526213 8526943 8527235 680 coming events uxbridge senior citizen bazaar saturday october 19 10 am 2 pm uxbridge seniors centre 75 marietta street hot luncheon served 1130 200 raffles craft bake sale 145 industrial 170 hwy 48 major mac space for rent inside out low rent 4162667700 or 90- 6409270 stouffville com mercial space 2000 i sq ft 6236 main street most busi nesses formerly oc cupied by td bank also about 600 sq ft basement any small business or office low rent 9058846712 business space markham location office space for the independent business person 140200 sqft starting at 390 905- 4774345 business opportunities earn 1500 monthly prx- stuffing envel opes at home start immediately send sase to national en terprises 800 steeles ave suite b10114 thomhill ontario l4j 7l2 apts flats for rent hwy 7 48 large bright 1 bedroom basement se suit mature single non- smoker no pets 1 st last laundry cable included very quiet immediate references 471 6370 denison mccow- an 1 bedroom base ment apt separate entrance nonsmoker please call 9054759866 two bedroom apt above business 16th 48 950 partial hy dro call 9052010580 brimley 7 denison 2 bedroom basement apt separate entrance 750 plus evenings weekends 4741 567 day 4165102340 unionvule newlarge one bedroom basement apartment private entrance parking full bathroom and kitchen laundry facilities close to all amenities nonsmoking 800 inclusive first and last nov 1st 905 4150014 after 6pm leave message i apts flats torrent hwy7 ninth line newly renovated basement apartment available oct15th suit single non- smoker no pets sep arate entrance 905- 2010920 evenings or leave message main st markham 16th ave large 3 room basement apt utili ties parking 820 in clusive 4710652 middlefield deni son large one bed room basement apart ment se parking air conditioning 1stlast immediately 905- 4710386 brimley highglen 2 bedroom basement separate entrance laundry parking non- smoker no pets 675 inclusive 9054745878 stouffville large 2 bedroom apartment eatin kitchen close to amenities non smokers only 850 month available nov 19056428222 old stouffville 1 bedroom 2nd floor single person no pets no smoking 700 month inclusive 6403330 houses for rent beautiful 2storey 3 bedroom house available nov 1st family neighbourhoodl 000mon th plus utilities 4722997 musselmans lake 2 bedroom main floor fenced yard non- smokers no pets in termediate 900 6407207 three bedroom semidetached in markham ac fin ished basement 5 ap pliances 1300 per month call 905-294- 7879 9056407962 udora luxury 3 bedroom 2 decks jacuzzi 3000 sq ft asking 11 00 pos session flexible 905- 4736792 ti shared accommodation 9th line hwy 7 room available in shared house all amenities congenial atmosphere 435mth call christine 416-724- 1310 or 905- 4720457 markham very re sponsible person to share spacious 3 bedroom home huge room with fireplace 450month 14 utili ties no pets no wa- terbeds 905-946- 0187 90551 36310 245 pools supplies red cross blood donor clinic fri oct 18 3 pm to 730 pm at uxbridge secondary school give the gift of life- a pool closing i winterizing specials my s gelanlord ft x 905-513- 41 65733567