tribune april 24 1996 p9 white quality landscape plants fertilizers grass seed water gardening displays tools sprinklers hoses designer patio furniture bird baths bird feeders more more more uvea td to choose from extra large blooming clemati lflp to 6 blooms beautiful vines bursting with colour provide instant beauty i mmmmmi -iifp- t 182cm tall pvc trellisesi formed from heavyduty 38 x wt y 1 14 x 32mm f c pvc slats two attractive styles fan or flared design pure white or garden green reg 1 688ea ftcomtessede bouchaud medium sized flowers in mauvepink to satin rose with yellow stamens jackmanii large deep violetpurple flowers rapid vigorous grower tf candida pure white flowers with yellow stamens numerous sepals give the appearance of semidouble fc ville de lyon carminered to deep crimson with yellow stamens lady betty balfour rich purple finely pointed cupped petals with creamy stamens ernest markham bright magenta flowers with golden stamens 56 blooms doctor ruppel deep rose pink 6 blooms flowers may june aug sept 6 niobe dark red flowers with yellow anthers blooms all summer long duchess of edinburgh truly double white rosetteshaped flowers with dark stamens 46 blooms star of india deep purple blue with carmine bar 4 blooms blooms july to aug julia correvon 3 clear rosyred blooms from aug to sept prolific bloomer ir hagley hybrid elegant flowers with 6 rosymauve bootshaped sepals belle de woking double mauve flowers in june fol lowed by single flowers in september elsaspathe extra large beautiful lavenderblue flowers with pointed sepals plus many more reg 988 ea limit 5 per customer iff sale it sale ea hardy fragrant l hansa shrub rose extra large fragrant double dark rosered blooms in june julyj grows 4 5 tall wide reg 12 ea rvt blooms 1 i rummer long showy blooms in spring sm 1100 q d 0 d ffl w4j indrons ft attractive trusses of brilliant- x ly coloured flowers m colours vary from fgw mauves reds pinks m whites 2 gallon size choose from pjm nova zembla catawbiense album olga more ik fski mwjtssr maintelmncr i slow growing slender compact dense tight foliage retains fresh green colour even in winter very hardy reg 4990ea balled in burlap frost hardy nsies window sill geraniums 10 famous oglevee varieties in a rainbow of colours produces large rounded flower heads all summer long choose from only i sassyburgundy red kimscarlet sunbeltcoral auroradark lavender e ea foxdark magenta jauralavender pink pqtc best buy decorative 3 merrypond water garden easy to assemble complete kit includes rigid liner pump 180gph with prefilter liped to spout hours mon to sat 900am900pm sun holidays 900am600pm unless otherwise indicated sale ends may 1 1996 great care is taken in the preparation 4 production of this ad error in description illustration 4 pricing may occur in the event of a pricing error the items in 0uesti0n will be charged at correct price demand may exceed available stock we reserve the right to limit quantities limited to stock on hand not all product available at our kennedy rd whitby burlington stores white rpse 5cj i 1 i z i hwyi7 sthusave 8 i unionville 40hf7hwy ex warden ironplus v weed feed ims aw- 14 kjss k iron plus 948 a weed feed destroys broadleaf creeping weeds contains valuable chelated iron 18kg bag covers 4840sqft 450m make white rose shopping easy apply now receive 10 off your first purchase heres what you get ft easy monthly payments hant 1he white rose credit card is the only ft no annual fee ft previews of special promotions dl zl card youll ever need for all your ft free additional card ft 10 off your first purchase wbitl craft and garden needs