p 10 weekender february 24 1996 nutrition and fitness add up to leaner healthier body bybenagalanis advertising features coordinator a healthy lifestyle most people would love to adopt put your feet in good hands see the medical professional who specializes in feet your podiatrist thad zarras dpm doctor of podiatric medicine podiatrist foot specialist corns callouses warts bunions ingrown fungous or thick nails foot leg cramps heel arch pain diabetic arthritic geriatric foot prescription custom orthotics no referral necessary dva accepted oh1p accepted as partial payment 905 6407703 imperial centre 37 sandiford dr suite 301 stouffville ont dr michael pollak dds general cosmetic dentistry special interest in cosmetic dentistry bleaching bonding implants porcelain veneers emergency care general dentistry childrens dentistry convenient location extended hours sunkist plaza hwy 48 1 6th ave markham 4722454 free dental consultation markham vision centre locally owned and serving york region for over 14 years mid winter clearance 20 to 50 optical goods russell ganz kathryn britton we specialize in designer eyewear li calvin klein f y i w o f 9275 hwy 48 unit ib at 16th ave beside sunkist markham 4722020 no taxes on rx eyewear eye examinations arranged serenget7 drivers one if only it didnt require watching what they eat and exercising although that may never be the case there are alter natives to replacing favorite foods with tasteless leaf let tuce and the dreaded carrots the newly opened canadian health wellness cen tres mandate is to steer clients away from yoyo diets and exercise trends and get them on a path to long- term healthy eating habits and physical activity our goal is to marry nutrition and fitness in order to lay a foundation for changing old habits and forming healthy new ones says manager suzanne mclsaac who is also a former member of the canadian national olympic gymnastic team and losing pounds doesnt necessarily equal a healthi er more muscled or toned body in fact it can be detri mental to overall health and appearance the centre performs a body composition assessment which breaks down a clients fat percentage lean mus cle mass and body water to determine their individual needs r watch yourself on tvl n nutrition and h gx6rcis6 ja iraoral b addition the u- video camera m assessment all phases of family v which we call a dental care including bleaching bad breath assessment bonding white fillings etc close to warden hwy 7 lunch time appointments available drannlawlor dr ken lawlor 18 crown steel dr 9054757600 body blue print is based on the clients height age and whether theyre male or female mclsaac adds those are all contributing factors to distinguishing their needs the test also shows healthy ranges and subsequently a personalized food program is set up by inhouse nutri tionist pamela bakker in order to get clients into those pamela bakker far left sheila kevins centre and suzanne mclsaac are just three of the health care professionals at the newly opened canadian health wellness centre energy balance swedish oriental massage chinese acupuncture 881 carlton road i 905 3050059 penny who the dad blood test dnahla 416 967056718007574537 areas sample menus are included to get clients on the way and they include delicious meals and no less than 1200 calories a day people are usually surprised by the amount of food theyre allowed to eat bakker says but the plan cuts down on fat not food and of course the good news is the more you exercise the more food you should and can eat to sus tain yourself the more you develop lean muscle mass the more you burn calories and again the more please see page 11 free 6 months of fitness lose weight look good shape up feel great join for 6 months get 6 months free the best club in markham with stairmasters aerobics the newbody workout step training slide training nautilus free weights lifecycles squash nursery swimming personal guidance and more established in 1979 selected canadas best 30 clubs to choose from university trained staff to help you with your diet and training programs expert guidance combined with the best equipment and facilities join and enjoy time limited offer some restrictions may apply facilities may vary by location good life fu clubs 3500 steeles avenue east call now 905 4759x88 plus 6 other great locations in the toronto area fat fine tuning to keep fat in check watch your other foods and try some of these fat finetuning tips if cole slaw is your prefer ence replace 12 the may onnaise with yoghurt the next time you stir fry cut the oil by half and replace the rest with broth or water to cook those vegeta bles when mari nating meats remember that ft is the acidic ingredi ents such as vinegar wine or lemon juice that tender izes the meat