f 2 weekender november 1s st sdss scene remembrance day assembly organized by oac students by stephanie duggan correspondent mm tion to help and provide their work for pub lication paul illidge is running the news- paper with the help of several senior stu- recently the english department at sdss dents an assembly for remembrance day started a school newspaper will take place on nov 10 in the school gym- all students have been given the invita- nasium numerous oac history students are organizing the event as part of a project for their class in remem brance of the 50th anniversary of the end of world war ii the aim of the students is to help people realize the sacrifice that canadians made when they went off to war the annual holocaust week is from nov 9 to the 19 the aim of the week is to remember those who suffered through the holo caust a group of students at sdss have organized events for the week including a guest speaker from the holocaust centre in toronto ihj the students will be making an presentation to the student body to make them aware of the signifi cance of the holocaust and how its attrocities affect people to this day betzcut stone limited natural stone 3440 davis dr newmarket 4 km e ofhwy 404 on north side 8531258 tor 3684700 mon fri 85 sat 92 sun nov 1926 124 free estimates inhome consultations large showroom we install re we ttwf t doors family operated taking pride in markham s homes carroll home improvements visit our showroom at 906 brook road south link 4 ft 5 pickering markham 9054204880 outside markham 18004650593 well not only nwhmpric for bringing if to our attention j may vary after november 51995 if there are any market variations ntolnquaitiestottamouniroasonabtefofh g in the event of any error we wb make ewwy reasonable effort to accommodate our customers prn0791 524 wmmmmmmm call for the location nearest you ffi 7 x utexwhrrt soft white interior latex primer high hkfing easy brushing topcoat w latex or afkyd paint 409646