octobers 15 p3t k i ll chouinard bros rooting a windows residential specialists rerooffng replacement windows siding soffit a fascia call 7527300 m bas8vbvts basements reputable service kitchens competitive pricing bathrooms references avail sundecks free estimates quality workmanship phone 4700730 or 41 6 2653688 free estimates sine 1n7 reasonable rates ink bom bolandsros drywall services ltd m22 rr 4 stouffville ontario l4a 7x5 tel john where quality service counts 905 404321 bn renovations complete basement oywab taping bee service upgrade free estimates pane changes al branch wring by licensed electrician 15 yr experience brian 905 2945836 pager 416 3373444 nelson licensed electrician 416 7067968 doug elliott son painting decorating professional work done at reasonable rates frse estimates reference work guaranteed 4162819667 direct window deal directly and save vinyl replacement thermal windows side sliderdouble hung casement bay bow all type aluminum work free esttmates 905 4726212 concrete work vof all types wa untstone csiuusmcdsnczims rmonbjlo 2944070 vw t waaaf- aass martins sign studio dtfitdansaned wooden spu sfcnrmtaraoafls animal cmtogs carouse fecrufots commcrda reskkntbl farm cbttaje 905 6493007 fax 90s 6408778 -asgnocoodttste- jvan horne plumbing drains ft all types of repairs and alterations ft jj and remodelling appliance gas installations eer 9054706442 a ha aria f mol k2 aj proofing home improvements 472901 1 just windows window cleaning service industrial commercial residential pager 416 3795453 billlanning im 4714744 reasonable rates free estimates boland masonry ltd rr 4 stouffville ontario l4a7x5 brick block tel john stonework hew old 6408321 fast friendly service repairs home improvements renovations bath rooms painting kitchens roofing electrical plumbing heating handyman aflflhef double guarantee ttqa insured reliable s 4753507 hinves construction custom homes cottages additions decks reasonable rates free estimates 6404227 o e harolds o m improvements onwall pecks renovations repairs fences etc free estimate can harold ctodd 905 8525828 flicke contracting inc 25 years expersenco home renovations additions call peter flicke 4397644 10 off custom reupholstery free shopathome service pick up delivery perfect trim upholstery 4162997528 septic tank pumping nelson riddle zephyr ontario call 4733415 rotina renovations design build specializing in custom basements competitive pricing guaranteed workmanship metro uc 414440071 b10720 roger heath carpentry lie b3591 additiorrs bnthrooms basement finishing specialist contracting designing free estimates references 2949786 or 4168172314 rcorkill home improvements drywafl painting wallpapering plastering tiling etc no job is too small bob 4722487 m v freeesntmtes quality painting i painting papering jcdton ful guaranteed completely insured 6404338 pond work clean it or dig a now on low land clearing septic systems basements trenching grading sid landry excavating 905 6420545 stouffvilb pawitcdecoratwg our quality says it all 25 years experience call dine 4717344 maric construction custom built homes additions ceramic tiles hardwood floors kitchens bathrooms drywall basements free estimates references 9054749655 wmwimib dependable vehides one guaranteed low price experienced drivers 24 hour prompt service radb dispatched senrgmartnarnarea boounowj for 14900full season 17400 tueeam thephone 416 2154504 wet basement wecenflilt no digging trow outside saw up to 50 over other methods transterrsets lifetime guarantee metro waterproofing e3 4166313699 wa renovations additionsbasemetiis kitchen cabmetsbuihin bll units no job too small call bui 9054796099 pager 41660845sl wokxdemt painting decorating resident lat commercial vnomi minfi 4778557 minsf i 30 years experience lowest price in town pont pay for c months satisfaction guaranteed for free estimates calf 18004325995 wbk unionville hardwood flooring inc i ntlll l ilsltjil tjli i itl i ii ill bruce ross 9054770640 tree removal trimming woodchipper service cls woodlot clearing john 6408321 over 25 yra experience stm snowplowing preseason special starting at 120 up for the whole season includes driveway walkway steps and salt ing call anthony 905 4740113 or 416 6002795 24 hr pager snow removal and fall cleanups residential commercial markham property services mps free estimates 4724842 m nordic roofing w ip ft eavestroughing wmstaji snowplowing free estimates 294401 6 guaranteed work rgpajfs metro lrcsb7395 fully insured ontario premier landscaping co snow removal interlocking wooden decks water proofing monthly yearly contracts available residentiauccfronerdamndustrial 9054709146 free estimates dunrite construction guliity c irprrry 0 lotj i j c call mike 9058523538