sf durham mp predicts dire results of yes from page 1 passed along the road there was screaming cheering and flag- waving out the bus windows downtown montreal was crippled with traffic as the thousands of cars vans and buses inched their way into the city on the lead bus from durham shepherd said the response to the rally from local residents has been terrific the people were feeling frustrated and quite frankly so were the politicians this rally gives people a chance to do something what impressed me was the sheer size of it organized in just two days this entire country is now involved jie said shepherds outlook was one of guarded optimism yesterday parliament hill has been like a deathwatch its been doom and gloom we are virtually walking into the unknown he said shepherd offered a dire prediction should the rally not have its desired effect there is a lot of tension and apprehension if the results of the vote are 52 to 48 per cent for the yes side there will be upheaval and there will be all kinds of violence but i predict a slim mar gin for the no side it is not what we wanted but it will at least give us some breathing space the durham riding mp said f helping hand mmsmmmmmmf jane clarkson jenifer martin and lyssa emamalie were busy working in the kitchen at the legion hall this week for the semiannual ladies auxiliary roast beef luncheon but not too busy to share a laugh photosjoerd witteveen government winter roads will still be safe despite cuts to services mpp budget cuts will not put safety on the streets and roads of stouffville in jeopardy this winter government officials have vowed still fighting battle of wolfe montcalm former residents accuse separatists from page 1 ne native town of terrebonne near montreal the bilin gual secretary at summitview public school said fran cophones from the more affluent centres of quebec are misleading those who can least afford the disruption of separation theyre telling the people from gaspe everythings going to be okay for them if quebec separates said win ters she said the yes supporters are open to the same emotional persuasion as were the separatists who were whipped into a frenzy by french president charles de gaulles vive le quebec libre cry three decades ago 1 think theyre still fighting the battle of wolfe and mont calm theyre very emotional winters said a yes victory would probably see an exo dus of nonfrancophone quebecers similar to what hap pened when the parti quebecois came to power in the mid1970s along with a large protest from the provinces native population margaret vatcher a stouffville senior who lived in the mining town of noranda from 193671 says she is confi dent the no side will prevail i dont think theyre going to separate said vatcher who said she strongly oppos es sovereignty for quebec she said that while it was the intellectuals of the province who were singing the sepa ratist tune in previous referendums its the young peo ple of quebec who are being wooed this time all my friends there are seniors and theyre afraid theyll lose their pensions if quebec separates i vatcher who predicted a mass evacuation if the yes forces win said quebec has nothing to gain and a lot to lose by opting for sovereignty i dont think it makes sense things have changed for the better in quebec theyre in a position to have as much as anyone else in canada they shouldnt be pulling the country apart she called quebec a beautiful place and said she gets angry when she hears people criticize the province ive lived there theyve got a lot to offer and they dont crit icize us bert girard was born in quebecs eastern townships moving to ontario at the age of 20 he said his fran cophone family and friends in his native province share his opposition to separation im confused said girard im wondering what the hell theyre trying to do he said he understands that quebecs francophones want to hold onto their heritage but feels the separatists are going too far ill be curious to find out what happens if the yes side wins he said girard agreed with vatcher that the yes side was appealing mainly to younger que becers joanna murphy and her husband dennis spent a little less than a year in hudson just outside montreal near the ontario border three years ago she said the pre dominantly anglophone population of that town didnt consider sovereignty a significant issue and that they often joked about it she too suggested a yes victory would cause an upheaval among anglophones in the area the feeling i got was the english speaking people would leave if the yes side wins she said we were strongly against separation as were the people we knew there when it comes to winter maintenance includ ing snow removal on provincial highways in the local area it will be business as usual this winter durham- york mpp julia munro told the tribune a union president however has stated that cuts in the works for provincial highway patrols pose a grave danger to drivers in ontario the real threat to road safety in ontario this winter isnt the weather its the mike harris government said leah casselman president of the ontario public service employees union opseu the cuts will not be severe said munro the provincial ministry of transportation will axe 7 million from its 130 million budget the cuts will be spread across the province so it isnt that much said munro she added safety will continue to be our number one pri ority we will maintain the current level of ser vice casselman does not share munros viewpoint he said information obtained by the union shows the ministry has proposed cutting road patrol hours across ontario from 24 hours to 16 also casselman said the number of patrols will be reduced by 40 per cent each patrol will cover 190 kilometresa 65 per cent increase over the current 115 sand and salt spreaders will be reduced by 12 per cent the number of plows on the roads will fall by 10 per cent there will be 125 fewer seasonal staff cassel man said at the municipal level snow removal sand and salt spreading will not change this winter whitchurchstouffville mayor wayne emmer- sonihas vowed we will not jeopardize safety on the streets said emmerson well keep safety in mind when striking the roads budget there might be some changes to sidewalk clearance but not for the streets or municipal roads watch for these flyers on saturday october 28 1995 ultra mart fortinos weston produce no frills sears sobeys biway ap dominion loblaws igastouffville superior water ar only were first in distribution weve delivered 31055066 flyers door-to- door so far this year if you would like your flyers delivered by the best please call arlene maddock at 6402100 the tribune attention flyer advertisers we can fetor your rivers or ai ttit a 35 arts apiece h martftam unantte mbken suumfe ihmdje cbnmont dickson rr umm h yn oudmol vdoria scuot brougham hagerman comer box grova cedar grow buuome sanojcnl laeskdwe gferbarjcuawasurkfertant zephyr ashlwm we can defver 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