rv rn w reap health benefits with moderate exercise true or false it is necessary to engage in vigorous continuous exercise to reap health benefits many would agree with this statement but research on physical activity shows that even moderate activ ity done in short bouts of eight to 10 min utes yields substantial health benefits a recent article in the prestigious jour nal of the american medical association seeks to dispel this common misconcep tion the authors whose names read like a whos who of physical activity research make the following recommendation every adult should accumulate 30 min utes or more of moderateintensity phys ical activity on most preferably all days of the week whereas earlier recommendations called for three 20minute sessions of vig orous physical activity every week this recommendation emphasizes the bene fits of moderate activity moderate activ ity is the equivalent of 30 minutes of brisk walking every day at a brisk pace an average adult can walk between 25 to 3 kilometres in a half hour thats about twice as fast as a leisure ly stroll the new rec ommendation also reflects recent research showing how the total energy expenditure is more important than the actual length of f workouts there fore it is possi ble to do a few short sessions of eight to 10 min utes to reap the same health benefits as a con tinuous 30- minute workout this has signif icant implica tions for exam ple it means that since physi cal activity can be accumulated in several short periods it is a lot easier to fit into a busy schedule simple activities such as the fol lowing add to the total energy expenditure walking instead of driving short dis tances a definite plus for the environ ment doing calisthenics or pedaling a sta tionary cycle while watching television walking or running 10 to 15 minutes during lunch hour taking the stairs instead of the eleva tor gardening doing house work raking leaves mowing the lawn without a tractor playing with the children as long as these activities are done at an intensity compara ble to that of brisk walking adequate health benefits will accrue people who prefer leisurely strolls to brisk walk- ing need not worry however the secret then is to do the activity more often for longer periods or both in the same vein of thought individuals who dont engage in any physical activity can begin with a few minutes every day gradually build ing up to 30 minutes a day those who are active some of the time can strive to adopt a more frequent pat tern of physical activity with a little effort every day it is possi ble to combine the comfort of a sedentary dr michael pollak dds general cosmetic dentistry special interest in cosmetic dentistry bleaching bonding implants porcelain veneers love your body new age books and alfa nutrition cordially invite you to our friday evening gatherings come and recharge your vital life energy by sharing in casual interchange of thought in a serene and honouring space bring a friend ana experience a start on a more joyful weekend jj at new age books time 6 pm 9 pm speakers 7pm 745 pm arthritis and its alternatives dr allen turner nov 3rd focus on yourcenteredness georgie priesz nov 10th energy medicine bill close nov 17th relaxation meals suzanne lacroix nov 24th we are not just a book store and health food storecome and feel our caring and sliaring receive a short stress relieving session on shoulders and hands or try our nutritional snacks nominal fee nutrition new age books for transformational living food store alfa nutrition we make you feel good because you deserve to 9052943771 9054718233 9275 hwy 48 markham north east comer of 16th markham rd emergency care general dentistry childrens dentistry convenient location extended hours sunkist plaza hwy 48 16th ave markham 4722454 free dental consultation lifestyle where everything is at our fin gertips with the benefits of an active lifestyle where a world of health is at our toe tips r yourself on tvh a intraoral vst- video camera all phases of family dental care including bleaching bad breath assessment bonding white fillings etc close to warden hwy 7 lunch time appointments available drannlawlor dr kenlawlor 18 crown steel dr 9054757600 love that smile with halloween approaching you may have some questions regarding sweets and the health of your childs teeth here are some frequently asked questions q is it okay to eat candy a yes surprised so long as you consume them in moderation try to limit your intake to mealtime because the increased saliva flow neutralizes the sugar try to avoid sticky or hard candies why because they stay in the mouth for a longer period of time q how long does it take for damage to occur a immediately sugar combines with the bacterial plaque in your mouth to produce an acid therefore it is best to limit sugar consumption to mealtime rather than frequent snacks q how often should i brush my teeth a ideally after each meal after sweet snacks and before bedtime have a happy and safe halloween enjoy your treats and remember to brush thoroughly if you have any questions please feel free to call drop by on october 3 1st for a sugar free treat love that smile dr kevin f brown dr timothy lee 1 raymerville drive 5 markham mccowan rd north of hwy 7 9052944700 l introducing jackie ournewesthetician atour sheraton location introductory specials manicure 1000 facial 3500 bikini wax 1000 dr renaud- skin care liz paul llairstytoig aesthetics 6heraton parkway hotel 9057311179 contact lens serving yor and region for eyeglasses together over 14 years from 149 markham 20 off vision centre every face is like a a piece of art it requires the perfect frame russell ganz complete setof glasses 9275 hwy 48 unit ib at6th ave beside sunkist markham 4722020 contacts or sunglasses mabkham vision is localufownep kathryn britton